Stance Set



I was recently taught the stance set, and I didn't have the chance
to take notes as soon as I got home, and I've become uncertain
on the order of the stances. Lil hep?!

If I remember correctly, and I probably don't ...
Left Neutral bow, cat, twist out to Right Neutral bow, cat stance,
twist back to left neutral bow, left reverse bow, left forward bow,
left neutral, twist out into right neutral bow, right reverse, right
forward, twist out back into left neutral, up to horse, salute, up
to attention, bow.

If this is incorrect, could someone set me straight?

You can check out a bunch of forms/sets and technique instructions at

In the box at the left, click on "the Flame" archive. then in the next window, "Written Curriculums", scroll to the bottom and click on "Forms/Sets"

they have info there

your instructor might teach a variation though

additionally, you might check out Angelo Collados for more info on forms

take care

You can check out a bunch of forms/sets and technique instructions at

In the box at the left, click on "the Flame" archive. then in the next window, "Written Curriculums", scroll to the bottom and click on "Forms/Sets"

they have info there

your instructor might teach a variation though

additionally, you might check out Angelo Collados for more info on forms

take care
Thanks for the links. So far, Short 1 and Star Blocking Set were
the same no matter where I looked. Didn't realize there were
differences in the Stance Set :(
brentb really does look like his avatar. In fact I think he still has that shirt!

just kidding with you brent!
Ok I'll admit it, Bert and I share the same monobrow, but hopefully, I've still got a little more hair left than he does.

As for the shirt--I only wish I had that much fashion sense, and owned a shirt like that of my own.

Originally posted by brentb
As for the shirt--I only wish I had that much fashion sense, and owned a shirt like that of my own.

You cant fool me. I'm married too. Like your wife would let you out of the house wearing a shirt like that. I know. I've tried!

Actually, I'm not married. I'm still auditioning 'contestants' for that dubious role, so I can wear all the goofy shirts I want.

nana nana na na!

:ladysman: :moon:
Not married and wearing funky t-shirts.

Well I never........:rofl:

" I always wanted to know what you looked like in B l a c k N y l o nssssssssss!"

Originally posted by brentb
Actually, I'm not married. I'm still auditioning 'contestants' for that dubious role, so I can wear all the goofy shirts I want.
nana nana nana!

Uh... you better get married quick.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
Not married and wearing funky t-shirts.
Well I never........

You better stay UNmarried.
Originally posted by Michael Billings

You can try my website. It may be close to what you learned.

Yours in Kenpo,
Michael B.

I appreciate it Mr Billings. By the way, will you be coming to
the Huk seminar at Mr Abernathy's studio?
Originally posted by Michael Billings

I am planning on it as of right now. Unless something untoward comes up with family, I will be there!!!!


Would ya mind introducing yourself to me? I'm pretty sure I'll
be the biggest guy there .... if not, definitely the biggest orange
belt. :)