
Well, being in the 60's today the last of the piles of snow and ice melted away :D.

On a side note I have been able to put over a 100+ miles on my Motorcycle in the last week, and had to get some gas. Spring is coming.
70 beautiful degrees out.. birds singing, busying in their nest building, Magnolias are blooming, forsythia, flowers popping up everywhere~!

Yesterday I was outside and got sunburned~!
Whoohoo! it is 55 degrees here and well... there is still snow.. and it is ugly and wet and dirty and... what was I happy about again? :idunno:

Tess, you know I love you honey, but that post was just plain mean... :p
ohhhh I'm sorry Lisa~!!! *BIG SUNNY HUGS*~!!!

not gonna say a word bout it's supposed to be 78 tomorrow...
Yup... sunny and 70 here. Of course, I have to train tonite, so I can't go ride. :( Ah well, such are the sacrifices we make as MA's.
Well Lisa, we are just a couple of hundred miles south and today it is 75° in Minnesota. But it's supposed to rain, the cold front is coming down from you and it will be in the 50's tomorrow. My workout wasn't too bad at noon, I should go wash the car! All that salt and sand muck from our last snow. Our snow is all gone-gone when it hit 78° last Tuesday. So Spring is coming, but you'all in Canada will be the last to feel it. TW
This weekend, here in Roanoke, it was mid 60s low 70s with extreme winds but still a great couple of days. Monday morning I was running I-64 through West Virginia and noticed snow on the sides of the interstate. I asked a local driver in the area how much they got during the weekend and he said 6 plus inches...only 80 miles from my house (most of it lateral travel just higher elevation). Well, it IS spring, so I suppose we should expect the unexpected. I'm getting my fishing gear ready and looking for a good canoe. Can't wait to wet a line.
Ah...spring...Happy May Day everyone....yep it's May...oh, did I mention it's snowing right now? Yep pretty steadily for the last three hours....mmmm I think I'll go outside and play some hackey sack or frisbee....or build a snow fort...haven't decided...

Have a nice day....

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