Spring Fever

I generally have more energy during the spring. It's not too hot nor too cold. My mood is generally better as well. I pulled a 96 hour week last week between two jobs and still had the energy to train two nights at the aikido school and attend the Celtic festival in Roanoke. It'll catch up to me eventually, I know, but for now I'm just enjoying not feeling drained all the time.
Gee Jeff.. you are towing the line there.. 96 hours.. ~!! Better keep pace my friend~! *G*
My dogs tell me it's spring because they like going outside then coming back in ALL day when I'm home...and they carry around a tennis ball just in case someone wants to play...

I like spring better, I actually see the light of day!
KenpoTess said:
Gee Jeff.. you are towing the line there.. 96 hours.. ~!! Better keep pace my friend~! *G*
Not to worry. Just one job this week until the weekend and then just the sidework. The guy that owns the contracting company was under a dead line that had to be met so I put in as many hours as possible to help get the job done. I realized when I hit 30 that those kinds of weeks end on end will kill ya.
I live in Texas, we only have two seasons, Summer and Christmas.
buddah_belly said:
I live in Texas, we only have two seasons, Summer and Christmas.
That sounds a lot like a phrase we use in the trucking industry... there are only two seasons.. winter and construction season.
KenpoTess said:
oh that's good to hear Jeff~!
gee when we start building our house.. wanna come up *G*
Sure, Tess. And if I forget my skill saw ya'll can just do a board breaking demo on the construction site. :uhyeah: I swear if I never see another piece of drywall again I'll be a happy man.
Kayaking! :)

Camping! :)

Cleaning :(

Dealing with fur from blown dog coats :(

Ah, spring..........