Religious Holidays in Public School

Thought I'd post an update if anyone is interested...

The county councilmen decided that the school board made a mistake by taking out all religious holidays.. and have told the school board to go back to the way it was.

The Muslim individual is receiving hate emails..has apologized saying that he did not intend to have this happen....

School board is saying that they do not have to listen to the councilmen...

One of the Councilmen is on record saying .."If you don't like the way America is doing things.. don try to change us... go back where you came from..."

And the crap just keeps on comming....
oldnewbie said:
Thought I'd post an update if anyone is interested...

The county councilmen decided that the school board made a mistake by taking out all religious holidays.. and have told the school board to go back to the way it was.

The Muslim individual is receiving hate emails..has apologized saying that he did not intend to have this happen....

School board is saying that they do not have to listen to the councilmen...

One of the Councilmen is on record saying .."If you don't like the way America is doing things.. don try to change us... go back where you came from..."

And the crap just keeps on comming....
im in a martial arts forum and i receiving IM's trying to shut me up for sarcastically touching on some political stuff...
where's that thread about intolerance?
we need a new one for civil rights man... at least in this forum.. haha

I have a syrian friend who wrote a computer script to separate "hate mail" from his other mail.. that's how much he still receives! and he didnt ask for no holiday.

what i dont understand is, why did the guy apologize? he didnt do anything wrong.
please keep us updated
I think it is a good idea for what the School system has done calling what used to be christmas break into winter break. it makes it so that it does not offend any religion
mantis said:
im in a martial arts forum and i receiving IM's trying to shut me up for sarcastically touching on some political stuff...
where's that thread about intolerance?
we need a new one for civil rights man... at least in this forum.. haha

I have a syrian friend who wrote a computer script to separate "hate mail" from his other mail.. that's how much he still receives! and he didnt ask for no holiday.

what i dont understand is, why did the guy apologize? he didnt do anything wrong.
please keep us updated

I believe.. my opinion only... that he apologized because he did not intend for this to become such a huge issue, and of course to reduce the hate mail he was receiveing.

As for your IM's.. I appreciate sarcasm as well, but as with all things, in moderation.
hong kong fooey said:
I think it is a good idea for what the School system has done calling what used to be christmas break into winter break. it makes it so that it does not offend any religion

I think renaming something doesn't really fix anything. It's the same days, we all know what it's really for.

As for offending.... I don't remember anything in our Constitution, or Bill of Rights, protecting people from being offended. I'm tired of the PC crap, and worrying about offending anyone.

When it comes to religions, there are so many that if we gave holidays for all of them, the kids would never go to school.

Tonight there will be a meeting to determine the "outcome".. will try to update.
Okay, Update #2

Last night the school board had a meeting in which they would allow the public to express there feelings about the issue, each person getting 2 minutes max.

The meeting lasted several hours...

When all was said and done, the board reversed it's decision, so we are now back the way we were before. We now have Easter Sunday, and Yom Kippur, but no Muslim holiday.

The Muslim spokeman, how was in favor of the reversal, and said that the Muslim community is at the begining of a civil rights struggle, and would try again next year.

Many eloquent opinions were expressed at the meeting which made the news. Overall this has made me do some hard thinking....
No. I did not attend.

The news TV/radio stations have carried alot of the information. That's where I am getting the story. It's all over the place. It's this story and the one about the Carolina Cheerleaders. Must be a slow news week.:)
I have heard about the latter story courtesy of Jay Leno. I must say, it's more interesting than yours! :D

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