Sports fighters in self defence

That's not what the OP is saying though nor the hangers on. They are saying people who compete can't defend themselves out on the 'street'. It's nothing to do with techniques, practising or training, it's about the fact they think you can't defend yourself if you fight competitively.
Sorry I think you need to learn to read I never said that I even gave examples of fighters who can defend themselves on the street maybe try and read before commenting next time yeah?
Sorry I think you need to learn to read I never said that I even gave examples of fighters who can defend themselves on the street maybe try and read before commenting next time yeah?

I think you missed the point of what I saying at the time, the 'hangers' on were misquoting you and turning your meaning into a 'fighters can't defend themselves' this is why I said it wasn't what you said and which you have just reiterated. I was actually defending you but hey if you want to take it wrongly, fine.
I think you missed the point of what I saying at the time, the 'hangers' on were misquoting you and turning your meaning into a 'fighters can't defend themselves' this is why I said it wasn't what you said and which you have just reiterated. I was actually defending you but hey if you want to take it wrongly, fine.
Okay I apologise. Rereading it I can see how you meant that but it is easy to interpret you were saying it was me saying that but if you weren't I apologise
It's a subject that comes up here often and as soon as you post anything about competitive fighting, MMA and street fighting in the same post it kicks off.
I should have made my post longer and explained better but I was in a hurry and sometimes I think people have crystal balls, to know exactly what I mean. :)
It's a subject that comes up here often and as soon as you post anything about competitive fighting, MMA and street fighting in the same post it kicks off.
I should have made my post longer and explained better but I was in a hurry and sometimes I think people have crystal balls, to know exactly what I mean. :)

No issues it happens :) I agree people get too heated on the subject any style no matter what will help against some untrained thug on the street of course it will
I feel uncomfortable even posting here after previous comment. In fact this post of mine is derailing purely out of that fact alone.


Nope, have nothing to add...
Sport can be far more dangerous than the possibility of being attacked, I'll just leave this here. I'll understand if this closes the thread down for a while so you can all go off and scream.
Rugby player's penis almost torn off in tackle
My original BJJ instructor played rugby and was quite clear that he considered it to be a martial art. I guess I didn't realize just how rough of a martial art it is.

BTW - not going to click on that link. Not going to do it.
The rugby player is fine now!

However the serious point is that people who play contact sports not just competitive martial arts are often used to tough 'handling' and are quite able to respond quickly rather than freezing and to make that response effective.

I should have made my post longer and explained better but I was in a hurry and sometimes I think people have crystal balls, to know exactly what I mean. :)

Well, I am shocked. Shocked mind you. As you and Tony Dismukes know very well, I am very careful and would never make such a mistake. :)

BTW does "crystal balls" in any relate to your following post #67? I noted the original link led to vegetable words, so I wasn't sure. ;)
Well, I am shocked. Shocked mind you. As you and Tony Dismukes know very well, I am very careful and would never make such a mistake. :)

BTW does "crystal balls" in any relate to your following post #67? I noted the original link led to vegetable words, so I wasn't sure. ;)

I am known as the person who can lower the tone of any high minded discussion lol. I have spent too many years with Service people who are very 'earthy'. I have what is known here as a Force's sense of humour ( it's shared with cops and medical workers)
It's a subject that comes up here often and as soon as you post anything about competitive fighting, MMA and street fighting in the same post it kicks off.
I should have made my post longer and explained better but I was in a hurry and sometimes I think people have crystal balls, to know exactly what I mean. :)
I do not have crystal balls. Mine are real and still functional. I know exactly what you mean.

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