Speakman IS on DVD!!!

From what I hear, no. Maybe someone can shed some light on this subject who's sat down and watched it. And as far as TPW we can only guess if EVER. I mean they have enough material for some extras. Why not? I also understand Mr. Speakman just finished up his latest "A Promise Kept"
Really lame. Jeff Speakman has a small supporting role, but most of the movie just bites. Worse than Timelock. Why they would put this piece of garbage on DVD while ignoring The Perfect Weapon is beyond me. I think the thing I objected to the most in it is the copious use of the "n-word". As time goes by, I find that to be far more objectionable than the "f-word". Even to the point that I can no longer listen to my old Richard Pryor 8-tracks.
Back to Hot Boyz, I found the plot to be weak, the acting weaker, and the action (which can make up for the other two) to be bland at best. Unless you want to own it just to have a complete Speakman collection, give it a pass-by.

Just my opinion.
I did a google search for A Promise Kept and ended up at the official website (apromisekeptmovie.com I think) They have some insight on how he ended up in the movie, and some video of him talking about his role. Very interesting.
Originally posted by Randy Strausbaugh
As time goes by, I find that to be far more objectionable than the "f-word". Even to the point that I can no longer listen to my old Richard Pryor 8-tracks.

Dam you're telling your age. Test question: What did they have in cars before the 4 track tape was invented. (Which of course became 8 track)
Originally posted by Doc
Dam you're telling your age. Test question: What did they have in cars before the 4 track tape was invented. (Which of course became 8 track)

AM radios?
Originally posted by Doc
Dam you're telling your age. Test question: What did they have in cars before the 4 track tape was invented. (Which of course became 8 track)
I seem to recall they flirted with the notion of trying to adapt a 33 1/3 record player so that you could play it in the car. The slightest bump in the road would cause a skip (let alone railroad tracks).
Originally posted by Randy Strausbaugh
I seem to recall they flirted with the notion of trying to adapt a 33 1/3 record player so that you could play it in the car. The slightest bump in the road would cause a skip (let alone railroad tracks).

Yeah you're a geezer allright. It was a 45 rpm record player made by "Craig Audio." The record went in upside down and the playing stylus was spring loaded, but it only worked on a very smooth road. Railroad tracks should be avoided. Welcome to the club. Your official membership card and welcome letter are on the way.

(batteries not included)
Originally posted by Doc
Yeah you're a geezer allright. It was a 45 rpm record player made by "Craig Audio." The record went in upside down and the playing stylus was spring loaded, but it only worked on a very smooth road. Railroad tracks should be avoided. Welcome to the club. Your official membership card and welcome letter are on the way.

(batteries not included)

I always wondered if they thought about doing that...but I didn't know they actually tried.
Originally posted by jeffkyle
I always wondered if they thought about doing that...but I didn't know they actually tried.
See, that why you're not a card carrying geezer.
I have seen perfect weapon and the expert, out of the two I believe perfect weapon was the best. As far as I have heard I don't think that anyone really rates his other films. What do people think and should I be re-evaluating my thoughts if so which films should I see
Saw "Running Red" on DVD at my local Blockbuster yesterday. So I guess that Makes at LEAST two. We'll have to see if "A Promise Kept" comes out on DVD.
Thanks for the "heads up" on the Running Red DVD. I'll keep my eye out for it. I've also gotten word that Jeff Speakman was in a movie called "Night Terror", but I can't seem to find a video for it. Have you heard anything about it?
Our school along with another school from the Fort Worth area along with several Austin based schools participated as extras in "A Promise Kept"

We were all part of a karate school's belt test, used at the movie's opening sequence. I have to say it was a long day, but it was a blast.

Everyone shared a pretty cool experience that day.

For those who have never had a technique done on them by Mr. Speakman you are missing some fun.

See ya in the movies.....:)

Bill Piper

It sounds like it was a blast.

Was there a lot of re takes for the scenes your school was in ?

I ask because I remember how at the end of jackie chan movies we see many times how they had to shoot again and again.

Did your class have a chance to have a class with Mr Speakman too ?

Chicago Green Dragon

Also, do you have any word on when the movie will be out to the public or released to dvd ?


Chicago Green Dragon
It is my understanding that the movie has finished post production and had several screenings. The director said last week that the rights to show the movie has been sold in several foriegn countries already.

By the end of the year, they will know who is distributing it in the US.

It was about eleven hours of takes and retakes for what amounts to about three minutes of the opening sequence.

The director is a student at a Fort Worth suburb kenpo school.