Jeff Speakman speaks...and speaks....and speaks...

i was under the impression that sepulveda and or labounty promoted speakman to 7th....

I'm pretty certain that at least one of those names are on his certificate (La Bounty - I've seen it with my own little eyes) along with some non-kenpo names...small ones like Danny Inosanto and Gokor Chivichyan. No, they're not Kenpo but, they are well studied, life-long martial artists.

I'd be honored to have the even one of the names on that 7th cert. on any one of mine as I continue to rank. But, that's just me.

I'm pretty certain that at least one of those names are on his certificate (La Bounty - I've seen it with my own little eyes) along with some non-kenpo names...small ones like Danny Inosanto and Gokor Chivichyan. No, they're not Kenpo but, they are well studied, life-long martial artists.

I'd be honored to have the even one of the names on that 7th cert. on any one of mine as I continue to rank. But, that's just me.

Doesn't matter. No reason to rag on Jeff. He's does as good a job or better than a whole bunch of people, and wears a 7th better than most of them.
I've seen it with my own little eyes) along with some non-kenpo names...small ones like Danny Inosanto and Gokor Chivichyan. No, they're not Kenpo but, they are well studied, life-long martial artists.

Inosanto was a kenpo guy, pre-Bruce Lee.
I was in the "Karate Kid." Made more money working location site security than as an extra in the movie. But, I was in it

Hey! Can we spot you somewhere in it?

I was a first-tier extra in "Mad City"...meaning I was given a prop and specific direction (no lines, and only small group shots--save for one scene featuring only me that was shot but cut). It paid $5/hour, circa 1997. It was an interesting "hurry up and wait" sort of experience.
Hey! Can we spot you somewhere in it?

I was a first-tier extra in "Mad City"...meaning I was given a prop and specific direction (no lines, and only small group shots--save for one scene featuring only me that was shot but cut). It paid $5/hour, circa 1997. It was an interesting "hurry up and wait" sort of experience.

I guess we are all "almost famous!"
After watching Jeff Speakman's 40 min "come to Jesus" meeting, I watched 2 minutes of Ron Chapel on utube. Guess which one I learned more from? Most students want to learn. It would have suited him better, to use the time he had in Chile to teach Kenpo, instead of denigrating all bar 3 in the Kenpo community.

I also find it hard to believe , that Speakman is not in the art to make money, when he has a $600 DVD series for sale on his website. Why not instead, just sell the DVDs at just over cost, to cover the expense of production and the website?

Again, just my opinion.