Purple Belt
Hey guys.
I'm typing this from home nursing an injured foot (nope not the leg this time.)
We sparred last night, and I went to late class (more adults/athletes in that class). I wanted to give myself a new challenge. The class I usually go to for sparring is usually teenage kids and older people who really don't give me a run for my money.
Anyway, I was in for a rude awakening.
We did a sort of "ironman" sparring in this class.
1 person is on one side, and everyone else was on the other side in a line (3 other people). They rotate in after a few minutes of sparring until that one person has sparred all 3. This goes on until everyone has been the "ironman". By this time you've sparred everybody at least twice.
Anyway, I sparred the first 2 times fine. I was fresh and was able to hold my own. But, by the time I got to the 3rd fight. I was so tired I was doing everything I could to breathe. The guy I was sparring is very wild, and doesn't have alot of control. This normally wouldn't be an issue.. but he lifts weights and has ALOT of stamina and alot of power. So when he hits you.. he hits you hard. He kept backing me up into corners, and I couldn't get out because he's constantly throwing stuff.
I like to watch my opponent and try to strategize what I am going to do next. But with him it was impossible to do that, since he was just throwing stuff randomly with no real reason for it. Kind of like a street fighter would fight I guess. I'm trying to figure out how to defend against it. He's bigger than me, and right now has alot more stamina and power. He hits hard, and he hits fast and Its hard to get anything in, because he never stops coming.
Brandonlucas was there but didn't spar and he was telling me that he noticed that the guy we call him "Jax" because he reminds me of Jax from Mortal Kombat. doesn't move in any direction but frontwards and backwards. He said that he doesn't have any knowledge of side stepping. He either moves foward or backwards.
What are some things I can do to hold my own against someone like that? He rocked me in the head one good time. This was the first time in a long time I've actually had to spar anyone who actually made me want to make sure I have my hands up.
I injured my right foot with a roundhouse kick at somepoint during sparring.. not sure it was against him. I hit a knee or an elbow.
I stayed out of work today because I got 0 sleep last night due to it hurting. I went to the doctor and they said it wasn't broken. I can walk on it, but its pretty painful to do so. They told me to keep ice on it and keep it elevated as much as I can. 2 things not possible to do at work. So, hopefully my job won't give me crap about it. I told them the truth, and people around here are very close minded and unless I got hurt playing football, they will probably laugh it off. But hopefully not.
I'm typing this from home nursing an injured foot (nope not the leg this time.)
We sparred last night, and I went to late class (more adults/athletes in that class). I wanted to give myself a new challenge. The class I usually go to for sparring is usually teenage kids and older people who really don't give me a run for my money.
Anyway, I was in for a rude awakening.
We did a sort of "ironman" sparring in this class.
1 person is on one side, and everyone else was on the other side in a line (3 other people). They rotate in after a few minutes of sparring until that one person has sparred all 3. This goes on until everyone has been the "ironman". By this time you've sparred everybody at least twice.
Anyway, I sparred the first 2 times fine. I was fresh and was able to hold my own. But, by the time I got to the 3rd fight. I was so tired I was doing everything I could to breathe. The guy I was sparring is very wild, and doesn't have alot of control. This normally wouldn't be an issue.. but he lifts weights and has ALOT of stamina and alot of power. So when he hits you.. he hits you hard. He kept backing me up into corners, and I couldn't get out because he's constantly throwing stuff.
I like to watch my opponent and try to strategize what I am going to do next. But with him it was impossible to do that, since he was just throwing stuff randomly with no real reason for it. Kind of like a street fighter would fight I guess. I'm trying to figure out how to defend against it. He's bigger than me, and right now has alot more stamina and power. He hits hard, and he hits fast and Its hard to get anything in, because he never stops coming.
Brandonlucas was there but didn't spar and he was telling me that he noticed that the guy we call him "Jax" because he reminds me of Jax from Mortal Kombat. doesn't move in any direction but frontwards and backwards. He said that he doesn't have any knowledge of side stepping. He either moves foward or backwards.
What are some things I can do to hold my own against someone like that? He rocked me in the head one good time. This was the first time in a long time I've actually had to spar anyone who actually made me want to make sure I have my hands up.
I injured my right foot with a roundhouse kick at somepoint during sparring.. not sure it was against him. I hit a knee or an elbow.
I stayed out of work today because I got 0 sleep last night due to it hurting. I went to the doctor and they said it wasn't broken. I can walk on it, but its pretty painful to do so. They told me to keep ice on it and keep it elevated as much as I can. 2 things not possible to do at work. So, hopefully my job won't give me crap about it. I told them the truth, and people around here are very close minded and unless I got hurt playing football, they will probably laugh it off. But hopefully not.