In my school, we do no-contact sparring for the first couple belts and then are encouraged to get our sparring gear once we make purple. I've only used the gear a couple times in class (he doesn't have us use gear much in the beginner class because most of the class doesn't have gear yet), so I've not got too much experience, but I'm doing fairly good so far. While I primarily train in "adult" (13+) classes, every once in a while there's either a small teenager or a younger sibling that ends up in my class. The kid I'm specifically thinking about right now is couple belts above me and has decent technique, but I have about 2 heads on him. I didn't want to sacrifice my technique, so I sacrificed my tempo. Even still, my punches are longer range than his kicks, so it was very easy for me to counter and keep him at bay.
So my question is this: how do you spar against someone smaller and give them a good sparring session? If I just sit there, then he isn't getting good practice, but if I don't let him get any techniques off then he won't get any practice and it will probably hurt his confidence. The black belts at my school have done a very good job of letting me get some hits in and then reminding me I've still got a long way to go, and this is another aspect of the art that I want to follow their example at.
So my question is this: how do you spar against someone smaller and give them a good sparring session? If I just sit there, then he isn't getting good practice, but if I don't let him get any techniques off then he won't get any practice and it will probably hurt his confidence. The black belts at my school have done a very good job of letting me get some hits in and then reminding me I've still got a long way to go, and this is another aspect of the art that I want to follow their example at.