some quick question


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Since politics means so much for America and probaly to the world in itself, here are some question that bother me.

1) Why is it we can vote someone in in favor of the other party but then within months of electing them we are bashing our government to hell.
2) If the people voice is meant to be heard than why does government never listen to the people.
3) Last one if as a society we embrace religion as a whole in our government than why do we send troops to kill our nieghbors.

I know this is going to bring heat but I have always wonder these question and thought I would hear everyone views on this.

Thanks for keeping the converstation polite.
Since politics means so much for America and probaly to the world in itself, here are some question that bother me. ... I know this is going to bring heat but I have always wonder these question and thought I would hear everyone views on this.

I'll give 'em a shot :)

1) Why is it we can vote someone in in favor of the other party but then within months of electing them we are bashing our government to hell.

Many times we are voting in what we believe are the lesser of two evils &#8212; I know I have.

Then, within months of them getting in office, they piss us off.

Plus, as Americans, we bash them because we CAN. Nobody is as much fun to make fun of as the president. Maybe we are honoring our ancestors who fought hard to establish a place where you CAN bash the leader without losing your head over it.

2) If the people voice is meant to be heard than why does government never listen to the people.

Because they are all self absorbed pricks who are only interested in learning what lies they need to tell us to get re-elected.

Politics just seem to attract that sort of person.

And even those who go into politics with the best of intentions are nearly without exception corrupted once they find themselves in a position of power. I can't say the same wouldn't happen to me, although it is nice to tell myself I wouldn't let it happen.

3) Last one if as a society we embrace religion as a whole in our government than why do we send troops to kill our nieghbors.

a) There are things that are much, much worse than war.

b) Don't forget that our mainstream religion is based on a God that sent the Hebrews in to WIPE OUT the people who occupied their promised land &#8212; men, women, children and even animals, if I recall correctly.

And, in God's defense, most of the problems the Hebrews have faced then and even today are (if I can summarize from memory) because they didn't do it! (completely) :)
1) How about when they lie in order to get elected.....and continue lying? The lies are exposed by the opposition, awaiting its own turn to lie and pillage.

2) Large parts of government functionaries believe you are too stupid to handle your own affairs or even to know what you want or what's good for you. There fortunately are some few brilliant ones, demigods really, who can run everyones' lives for them.....By soem amazing coincidence it is: themselves! So... watch, give me all your money and all your freedom and it will be better..... do it for the children.

3) The 9/11 psychos murdered for religion, but do we? I would say no. That's not to say religion isn't co-opted by individual sociopaths all over the place every day ..... those whose motto is "The Lord is with me, so I can F you!" But these are generally cheats and sneaks who don't have the courage to take responsibility for their own evil acts.

But as a nation, are we honestly crusaders? I don't think so, the reasons given for wars are always secular ones..... and as a nation, we don't have the guts to stand up for ourselves anymore....... you see it everywheres... in the half measures taken in the alleged "war on terror" ..... in the sex predators let loose to molest, rape and kill again..... What do "we" stand for anymore?
1) Why is it we can vote someone in in favor of the other party but then within months of electing them we are bashing our government to hell.

Because we fail to recognize that the subset of the population who didn't vote for that person are still citizens who need to be represented, and that there may be a lot of compromise required, particularly if that minority holds a sizable portion of Congress.

2) If the people voice is meant to be heard than why does government never listen to the people.

The people's voices are meant to be heard at election time. The government does listen to the people, but you can't just get the president on the horn and ask him to make changes by fiat. And presentation counts - leave the papier mache and interpretive dances at home - nobody takes that seriously.

3) Last one if as a society we embrace religion as a whole in our government than why do we send troops to kill our nieghbors.

Off the top of my head, I can't think of a single religion that is truly opposed to bloodshed when faced with the inevitability of it. Even the buddhists have been known to open the can of whoopass from time to time. Only those whose protection has been secured by the efforts of others have the luxury of proclaiming themselves "anti-war".

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