Same Trick
Black Belt
I don’t understand, you mean you just made up the previous story you wrote where Wang Yongquan supposedly failed to gain Chen Fake’s recognition as a joke ?You're ruining my joke
Introduction of Yang Style Lao Liu Lu Taijiquan
In the time of Qing Dynasty, taijiquan was quite popular in the royal palace due to Prince Pu Lun Bei Zi, a man of great power and wealth, who appreciated the fighting technique of Yang-style taijiquan. He recognized the martial applications disguised in the slow, graceful movements, as if
There are many biographies of Wang Yongquang, written and unwritten, all of which contain secrets waiting to be plucked like ripe fruit. WYQ in particular has had a lot written about him at various points of his life, to his credit, we know a lot about him and thus we gain a valuable insight into Yang style Tai Chi.
If so, what’s funny about that ?
Actually you didn’t made up that story, you copied an already established story and altered it.
So you made a couple of morally questionable actions by that.
What is an unwritten biography ?
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