I have yet to find a person that can use a proper karate 'block' to stop a proper punch from fighting range.
When you have trained & observed pure traditionalists, there are those who can actually block. Is the traditional way of karate blocking common in competition fighting? NOOOOOO. So I am in concert with your view when it comes to convention. Convention is
Karate came from Kung fu and the principle of deflect and attack in the same movement is the core of all the 'blocks'. There is enough material in the public domain for all who are interested.
The application you speak is a part of the Chinese kung way, but it does not define traditional Chinese Kung fu blocking. My first TMA instructor taught what I am stating.... as did his Master, as did his Master from China. My definition encompasses your application, but goes beyond.
But just one question. Why would you ever want to just stop (block) an attack? That just precipitates the next attack and you need to keep blocking until you have the opportunity to attack. It defies belief that karate would be the only martial art to embrace that concept.
Well, it depends on the situation. Of course everyone should agree that the type of hand striking & simultaneous blocking shown by say Wing Chun is better effectiveness.
Yet not all can excel to YOUR level. There's loads written about Wing Chun FAIL in MMA. On the contrary, I think good Wing Chun would absolutely destroy a Shogun Rua. Based on my experience, I think REAL Wing Chun is very difficult to obtain. That's why I advocate Shotokan for MMA, it's more fundamental, less complicated. A KISS karate if you will. As the potential of the style, Shotokan karate pales against Wing Chun.
People are so eager to be the 1st to excel @ TMA that they fail to build a foundation on TMA principles. The marital strategy of a block is DEFENSE. The martial strategy of a strike is OFFENSE. In the 1st instance, I stop harm to myself. In the 2nd, I harm my assailant. This is one of the great lessons (IMO) of Funakoshi's Karate-Jutsu. SIMPLIFY & ACHIEVE, vs complicate & fail.
Now to the a simple fighting Kihon combo. Block, stops the attack: then counter strike, disable the attacker. You end up unharmed, the assailant is disabled. It's a simple TMA thesis.
What is the status of blocking across the gamut of TMA practice? Mediocre to HORRENDOUS. Various karate traditional masters bemoan this all the time.