So Martial Arts isn't Boy Scouts

They apply some of the same principals. Both emphasize being trustworthy, friendly, courteous, kind, brave, and clean. And in both you shouldn't be afraid to talk to your superior if you don't understand something, you should be able to talk to your sensei in the martial arts and you should be able to talk to your scoutmaster in boyscouts.

Ha, this may come as a surprise, but you and I have very, very different ideas of martial arts, if that's what you think they're emphasisingÂ… particularly the "trustworthy" partÂ… ha!
I can't believe this is still going on. LOL! Look at it like this: There will always be similarities in things, but in this case, you (the OP) is comparing things that are nowhere remotely the same. Let's use a Martial Arts analogy. I've done Kenpo for over 20 years. I've now switched to Kyokushin. The katas are not the same at all. Sure, there are punches, blocks and kicks, however, there are differences in the way they're applied. Similar? Sure. The same? Not at all.
Ha, this may come as a surprise, but you and I have very, very different ideas of martial arts, if that's what you think they're emphasising… particularly the "trustworthy" part… ha!

One of my (old school Filipino) instructors likes to say "you always have to keep something in your pocket in case you have to kill them (one of your students)." The "what you have in your pocket" is both regarding weaponry and what techniques that you don't show them.
One of my (old school Filipino) instructors likes to say "you always have to keep something in your pocket in case you have to kill them (one of your students)." The "what you have in your pocket" is both regarding weaponry and what techniques that you don't show them.

Yeah agree. Not qualified to comment.
When I said that you should remember that you are talking about Scouting in your country you should also remember you are talking about the martial arts you do. What people say it's disrespectful to ask about black belt, I don't and I welcome questions, most instructors I know do. If you have a problem with your instructor/sensei it doesn't mean all martial arts is like that.
You might not say that it isn't disrespectful to ask questions about ranks and the instructors you know might not say that but some of the people on this board have indicated it is and its an overall idea in the martial arts world that you're supposed to just "shut up and train," and not ask questions about testing or belts because that's disrespectful. That can create problems and I am going to start another thread about it.
You might not say that it isn't disrespectful to ask questions about ranks and the instructors you know might not say that but some of the people on this board have indicated it is and its an overall idea in the martial arts world that you're supposed to just "shut up and train," and not ask questions about testing or belts because that's disrespectful. That can create problems and I am going to start another thread about it.

Please don't.
You might not say that it isn't disrespectful to ask questions about ranks and the instructors you know might not say that but some of the people on this board have indicated it is and its an overall idea in the martial arts world that you're supposed to just "shut up and train," and not ask questions about testing or belts because that's disrespectful. That can create problems and I am going to start another thread about it.

Please don't.
You might not say that it isn't disrespectful to ask questions about ranks and the instructors you know might not say that but some of the people on this board have indicated it is and its an overall idea in the martial arts world that you're supposed to just "shut up and train," and not ask questions about testing or belts because that's disrespectful. That can create problems and I am going to start another thread about it.

It is my understanding that with a strict belt structure, you don't ask, you get told.
You might not say that it isn't disrespectful to ask questions about ranks and the instructors you know might not say that but some of the people on this board have indicated it is and its an overall idea in the martial arts world that you're supposed to just "shut up and train," and not ask questions about testing or belts because that's disrespectful. That can create problems and I am going to start another thread about it.

Please. I'm begging you. Don't. Not again.

You need to come to grips with the fact that you're going to get the same answers every time you start yet another thread for the same topic. You don't like the answers, but they're not likely to change. The only thing that will change is people will, as they get tired of saying the same thing over and over and over and over and over again, become blunter, due to the possibility that you just didn't understand the answers the first time. Or the twelfth. A not unreasonable possibility, since if you got it, you wouldn't keep asking the same thing.
I didn't mean to double post, not sure how it happened but am thinking it was a Freudian slip ie please don't make another thread about it.
You might not say that it isn't disrespectful to ask questions about ranks and the instructors you know might not say that but some of the people on this board have indicated it is and its an overall idea in the martial arts world that you're supposed to just "shut up and train," and not ask questions about testing or belts because that's disrespectful. That can create problems and I am going to start another thread about it.

At the very least, PG, I would encourage you to consider before posting what, if anything, would be the new content in such a thread. If you can't clearly define and communicate the difference between the new thread topic and older thread topics you've posted before, then I would encourage you not to duplicate post. Again.

It is highly unlikely that such a thread would elicit any new information or insight from the population here. Maybe you'll have to just let it go.
wait a few years before starting a topic that has been covered within the last year. maybe there will be enough new posters by then so that differing view will find a different line of discussion
Just because people named Sheldon are geniuses dose not mean they do not make mistakes sometime ( I should KNow) :D
Please. I'm begging you. Don't. Not again.

You need to come to grips with the fact that you're going to get the same answers every time you start yet another thread for the same topic. You don't like the answers, but they're not likely to change. The only thing that will change is people will, as they get tired of saying the same thing over and over and over and over and over again, become blunter, due to the possibility that you just didn't understand the answers the first time. Or the twelfth. A not unreasonable possibility, since if you got it, you wouldn't keep asking the same thing.

Here's the problem. I've tried to make points in the past with my posts but it keeps going off in directions I don't intend it to. For instance, some of my threads have become debates over whether or not a student should be told before they can test or of the student can test or at least ask to test at their own discretion. When I mention that my place is the latter people start saying that its wrong and that Im going to a McDojo. If that's the position they want to take than so be it but arguing over that is getting off the point.
Also some of my threads have become debates over whether or not students should even pursue rank. Aside from being off the point I think that in and of itself that's a pointless thing to debate over. People make up their own minds over whether or not they want to work on rank and if somebody else's mind is made up differently than mine than that's their personal choice but theres really no point in us trying to change each other's minds on that. After all, whether or not somebody else decides to pursue rank or not has no effect on my life whatsoever and vice versa. The thing is, you shouldn't try pushing your choice on others. If you don't want to pursue rank that might be the right choice for you but not necessarily for somebody else.
Just like with Boyscouts. Somebody said that some people go into Boyscouts and they don't care about rank and badges they just want the experience of being in the outdoors and doing some of the stuff that you do in Boyscouts such as camping, fishing, hiking, ect. Then there are those who go into Boyscouts who do want to earn badges and who want to be Eagle Scouts someday. Neither of those reasons are right or wrong, they're personal choices. I've never heard of somebody who wanted to be an Eagle Scout being told that pursuing that is wrong or off the point. It might be off the point for somebody who doesn't care to be an Eagle Scout and who goes into Boyscouts for other reasons but again, that's a personal choice. And even though martial arts isn't Boyscouts the concept is the same, whether or not a student wants to pursue rank and make it to whatever belt or level, that's a personal choice and there is no right or wrong answer over whether or not a student should do that, its up to the student.
So, with what I hope will be my final thread on this, I hope to clear this all up and not have the thread go off topic. But, if you do read my thread my advice would be to take it with a grain of salt. If reading my thread causes you to react like Sheldon Cooper, you've been warned.
Who the heck is Sheldon Cooper and why should I care? And taking your threads with a 'grain of salt' as you advise surely means you aren't posting seriously and therefore may be trolling.
When you put a thread up you cannot then complain that people discuss it, we all have different ideas and different thoughts you cannot censor those into something you agree with or decide that people mean something they do not. What you are actually saying is 'if you don't agree with me don't read my thread or comment', that's not what this place is for, it's not supposed to be about one or two people only posting what they want and getting huffy because people then post what they think or believe.
By the way martial arts is still nothing like Scouting.
Who the heck is Sheldon Cooper and why should I care? And taking your threads with a 'grain of salt' as you advise surely means you aren't posting seriously and therefore may be trolling.
When you put a thread up you cannot then complain that people discuss it, we all have different ideas and different thoughts you cannot censor those into something you agree with or decide that people mean something they do not. What you are actually saying is 'if you don't agree with me don't read my thread or comment', that's not what this place is for, it's not supposed to be about one or two people only posting what they want and getting huffy because people then post what they think or believe.
By the way martial arts is still nothing like Scouting.

I'd go a step further and say it is more like 'I am going to post a thread and if people don't agree with me or the discussion does not lead to the specific undisclosed destination I have in mind, I am going to post another duplicate thread and repeat the same cycle ad nauseam / infinitum.'