lady_kaur said:
I'd be very curious to see what some other folks think of this because this is a pet peeve of mine.
I think "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" and the like can show insight in to patterns of behavior and certain types of people.
There are studies that suggest that women think differently then men, and that is likely why there are less women in engineering and the sciences. That may be true.
But what is printed as insights, and ideas...becomes a crutch. A substitute for getting to know an individual for who he or she is. It's much easier to impose a stereotype on another person than it is to actually take the time to get to know them.
There is a difference between an idea and an infliction. Inflictions hurt.
I read the book for defense. I was dating a lot when it came out. I kept hearing some catch phrases, so I did some research and then could talk the lingo, and then either get by the issue or move on to the next date in the future.
I have seen women, older, my age and younger, who
"NEED" to talk. They walk into a room and talk about how hot it is while you are obviously occupied. So, you say ok let us turn on the air conditioner which would make it not so hot. This is not what they are looking for. They need to talk. So they are looking for an opening to get a conversation going. So they can talk with someone, and not be corrected or fixed, but just to empathize and or sympathize with each other.
So women talk all the time, and some people call them pushy or obnoxious or even "Bitchy". Yet these women seem to not get along with other women who also talk all the time as they do not allow for someone else to get in a word edgewise.
While one father of a young women I dated years ago, brings to mind the other side, of where we could sit in the same room, or even be on the golf course and say very little if anything, and both of us were content.
No realize these are observations that support a printed opinion, there are obviously counter examples as well.
So, if some women are just talking to talk, as they are family oriented, and wish you were or had the same experience to refer to in a conversation, then one could say this is partly our culture, mized in with some well wishing and misunderstanding.
Yet, if the culture has expectations or people (* reference the late 19th and even early 20th century term Old Maid, *) use terms that portray expectations, even with out wanting to cause harm, they still can or do.
So, the first thing a cave dweller would say is chin, up and suck in the gut and take it like a man and move on. While others would say you can never please everyone, so why try.
Yet my concern is that this could be just like terms of description for annd about race. Terms that were acceptable previously, may not be acceptable now or in the future.
So are the unmarried, or even single parents, a new demographic for us to be PC with?