Snowmobiling's Ups and Downs


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
I finally got to laugh at this because I wasn't 100% sure if the guy was going to get hurt or not (and out in the wilderness there's never anything funny about that )... obviously he didn't. But he went ALL that way UP the mountain and literally ALL the way back DOWN the mountain...the hard way.
Watch and giggle...

At first I thought he was going to head right off a cliff at the top or something but what happened was even better. Surprised the camera managed to stay intact the whole way up and down.
He could have gotten hurt really bad but I was giggling too.
Yeah I know... I'm glad that he wasn't hurt (dunno who he is but anyway)... but it got funny when after he stopped falling the first time, he chased after the snow-mobile when it passed him and passed it and it was still coming back down after him... I mean... there's something called "quit while you're ahead".