Valant Effort Or Foolish Heroics? Man dies trying to save 3 yr. old


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Crews Recover Body of Hiker
September 25th, 2006 @ 7:24am

Ashley Hayes Reporting

Search and rescue crews removed a man's body from American Fork Canyon overnight. He fell 200 feet yesterday while trying to save a little girl.

The girl is recovering at Primary Children's Hospital.

A family from Magna had just completed a tour of Timpanogos Cave and was on the exit trail. The three-year-old girl was walking down the trail and fell about 75 feet.

A family friend visiting from Russia went down the mountain in an attempt to reach the little girl. While doing so, he slipped farther and fell about 200 feet.

A medical helicopter was able to hoist the little girl out of American Fork Canyon. She was flown to Primary Children's, where her condition has been upgraded from critical to serious. She is expected to make a full recovery.

Recovering the man's body was a difficult task. Falling rocks injured two crew members. They both had to be assisted out. It took several different attempts to get the body out.

Lt. Darren Gilbert, Utah County Sheriff's Office: "We were hoping to hoist him off the mountain also. But due to the technical aspect and the area he was located in, Life Flight couldn't get in there."

Authorities say the three-year-old fell off the trail because she was looking inside a bag of potato chips and not watching where she was going.

Lt. Darren Gilbert, Utah County Sheriff's Office: "We believe he went off the hill. There was conversation between him and another friend up on the mountain saying, 'Be careful. Watch your route.' Shortly thereafter he fell again and slipped down about 200 feet."

The man killed was 46 years old. The Sheriff's department is trying to contact the man's family and has not released his name.

The rescue effort jammed up traffic in American Fork Canyon yesterday. U-92 was closed part of the afternoon but is open now.
I know this trail (very well for obvious reasons :rolleyes: ) and it's not a good one to fall down. While not exactly straight up and down the side of the canyon angles roughly anywhere between 70-80 degrees and is very rocky and lots of trees to pinball off of on the way down.
What gets me is that this guy obviously didn't give second thoughts about his own safety in order to rescue the baby girl (at 3 yrs. old they're still babies IMO). But as a rescuer and experienced hiker/climber it was a foolish risk to just dive down after the kid when he could've gotten help or gone lower to one of the switch-backs on the trail and try reaching her that way. The trail is paved and usually has a short retaining wall along the outer-edges, I can't imagine the girl actually walking off the edge of the trail.
The parents have to assume some responsibility in this tragedy because they should've kept an eye on the kid at all times to make sure she wasn't wandering too close to where she would fall, which she did.
I'd have to both applaud and call it foolish for this act of unselfishness. As I've been taught by SAR (search and rescues) the only way you're going to rescue someone is to make sure you're safe first. Two rescuers were injured trying to recover the body of the man who fell, which tells how dangerous it was just for them.
Even for the "life-flight" helicopter it was tough, the canyon at that spot where the cave is, is narrow and prone to high cross winds. They were at least at that elevation able to get the girl up and outta there.

Just wondering what ya'll think? Was it foolish or was it valant or was it both?
Both. I respect him for trying...but he just made the rescue team's job more diffiicult, and ultimately lost his life. However, if no one else was around to help at the time--it's not clear to me from the story--I certainly understand why he went. They both misjudged the level of danger.
I have to agree that both is probably right! It certainly was heroic to try and get to the little girl and yet it may have been outside of his ability to do so. My prayers go out to his family.
I have to agree that both is probably right! It certainly was heroic to try and get to the little girl and yet it may have been outside of his ability to do so. My prayers go out to his family.

Could not have said it better.

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