concessions to growing older.


Senior Master
I had to finally get a set of reading glasses this past month and am still trying to remember to actually use them when I sit down to either the computer or read a book. Had to finally admit that the old eyesight wasn't as good as it was a few years back. Went to trouble shoot a motor and standing on top of a 24' ladder with a good flashlight with me, I couldn't make out the writing stamped on the nameplate, it was just too darn small. I had to let the guy that was there with me climb up to read what colors were to go together, the I stood at the bottom of the ladder and called out which wires were which color as he pulled them out because he is color blind and they all looked grayish to him. We were both dying laughing about how we hoped nobody else came into that building because all resemblance of professionalism was GONE! Talk about the blind leading the blind.

I still refuse to grow up though, just ask the wife.

So, now the question, what concessions have you been drug into kicking and fighting? Me is has been glasses, 43 years without them though, so I really can't complain too much.
I had to finally get a set of reading glasses this past month and am still trying to remember to actually use them when I sit down to either the computer or read a book. Had to finally admit that the old eyesight wasn't as good as it was a few years back. Went to trouble shoot a motor and standing on top of a 24' ladder with a good flashlight with me, I couldn't make out the writing stamped on the nameplate, it was just too darn small. I had to let the guy that was there with me climb up to read what colors were to go together, the I stood at the bottom of the ladder and called out which wires were which color as he pulled them out because he is color blind and they all looked grayish to him. We were both dying laughing about how we hoped nobody else came into that building because all resemblance of professionalism was GONE! Talk about the blind leading the blind.

I still refuse to grow up though, just ask the wife.

So, now the question, what concessions have you been drug into kicking and fighting? Me is has been glasses, 43 years without them though, so I really can't complain too much.

I'd have to say it was the glasses for me too. Heck, I've needed them all my life, I have astigmatism, but the kicker for me was the increasing presbyopia. I couldn't handle it anymore. I made it to age 42, but now, I wear contacts, and ummmm....when those aren't bifocals. Sheesh. Yet, I too refuse to grow up! :D
I remember first time I had to wear glasses... walked into my 4th grade class and got laughed at by half the class. But I've had to deal with wearing them for a long time since.
Since then m'eyes are getting progressively weaker though thankfully very slowly and I'll have to get a stronger prescription next time I go see the optommytwist.
Getting old, it sucks but it's unstoppable. No you don't ever want to grow up (on the inside), mature? yeah. be responsible? yeah sure. be an adult when it's necessary? of course. but grow up? pluuuzzzeeee :rolleyes:
I'm going out to play in the mud today (caving) then tomorrow go back to be the responsible mature adult that I'm supposed to be. I'll be paying for it when I wake up but who cares. I'm happy.
I had to finally get a set of reading glasses this past month and am still trying to remember to actually use them when I sit down to either the computer or read a book. Had to finally admit that the old eyesight wasn't as good as it was a few years back. Went to trouble shoot a motor and standing on top of a 24' ladder with a good flashlight with me, I couldn't make out the writing stamped on the nameplate, it was just too darn small. I had to let the guy that was there with me climb up to read what colors were to go together, the I stood at the bottom of the ladder and called out which wires were which color as he pulled them out because he is color blind and they all looked grayish to him. We were both dying laughing about how we hoped nobody else came into that building because all resemblance of professionalism was GONE! Talk about the blind leading the blind.

I still refuse to grow up though, just ask the wife.

So, now the question, what concessions have you been drug into kicking and fighting? Me is has been glasses, 43 years without them though, so I really can't complain too much.

I have colors issues. Blue Green and Blue Black. I can pass the color tests and the Secretary of State.

But I really understand those who are color blind. I have know this and plan ahead with mech drawings to know the location of the wires.

I also had an issue with a manufacturing plant. They did not want to install some equipment on one line that was on the other line and vice versa. If both lines had both set of equipment and they assmbly workers would follow the install instructions then one could not build with the wrong part. The reason for having all the extra electronic scanning equipment was that one could not require the worked to read a 4 character code and match it to right part. Well the plant would also allow the employees to build ahead form their station, i.e. they would take a box of parts and walk up the line to install their part out of order. Most of the time this does not cause too many issues for the others assembling their parts. The problem is we have multiple parts at that time that looked exactly the same and only had different software and calibrations. The plant started painting yellow on one of the two parts to help those who could not read. The problem was that this did not stop those that were color blind. So while talking to those at the plant including the manager they wanted the supplier to put a color dot on the part to determine the part number. I then asked what version of letter designation were we to put into the sticker to show the color. i.e. BK for Black, or BL for Blue, and so on. Once we agree to this I then asked what the difference was between the the "YBCK" which as the four character code they were to read and also scan. Was I also to build in a bad code for this new label so they could scan it also? In the end the plant installed both devices for checking and restricted the build ahead and then we also dveloped a new flash in the plant process to only have to send in one part number per hardware piece.

So do not feel bad about growing older or having to work with someone who is color blind. Laughing as you did was the right approach. I respect your attitude but wanted to share that others are not where you are. :)
I have to say glasses..Made a traffic stop and when the party handed me their license I could read the name fine and that was it.."I'll be right back", I said in my best authortive cop voice and returned to my cruiser where under the bright flashlight I could see eveything..Now I keep a pair of "reading glasses" in my cruiser case..
Admitting that some of the body parts aren't in as good a condition as they used to be and that some (most) days something is going to ache.

A good stretch that used to last for 24 hours now lasts for about 24 minutes.

I can't party like I did 20 years ago and plan on not having negative affects the next day (a good thing, I'll live longer!). :drinkbeer

Accepting the fact that most young people these days don't know their *** from a hole in the ground...and that that opinion means I'm growing older and have become an adult. :uhohh:

Little Johnny needs more rest between workouts, which really pisses me off! :wah:
Yeah, I've really needed bifocals for the last 18 months, but I still have refused to get them. Maybe by the end of this summer.

No, I can't stay up late, get by on two hours of sleep, have cold, leftover pizza for breakfast, and expect to have a normal day.

Admitting my daughter's right: I guess I really do look ridiculous shopping for clothes in the 'Juniors' section.

Sugar intake: I won't fight any more over that 2nd piece of birthday cake - the one with extra frosting - on the edge - on the corner - with the flower.
No, I can't stay up late, get by on two hours of sleep, have cold, leftover pizza for breakfast, and expect to have a normal day.

Ah, those were the days!

Admitting my daughter's right: I guess I really do look ridiculous shopping for clothes in the 'Juniors' section.

:lfao: You're not the first mom I've heard say that!

Sugar intake: I won't fight any more over that 2nd piece of birthday cake - the one with extra frosting - on the edge - on the corner - with the flower.

You shouldn't have to, you have seniority. It's yours!
I had to finally get a set of reading glasses this past month and am still trying to remember to actually use them when I sit down to either the computer or read a book. Had to finally admit that the old eyesight wasn't as good as it was a few years back. Went to trouble shoot a motor and standing on top of a 24' ladder with a good flashlight with me, I couldn't make out the writing stamped on the nameplate, it was just too darn small. I had to let the guy that was there with me climb up to read what colors were to go together, the I stood at the bottom of the ladder and called out which wires were which color as he pulled them out because he is color blind and they all looked grayish to him. We were both dying laughing about how we hoped nobody else came into that building because all resemblance of professionalism was GONE! Talk about the blind leading the blind.

I still refuse to grow up though, just ask the wife.

So, now the question, what concessions have you been drug into kicking and fighting? Me is has been glasses, 43 years without them though, so I really can't complain too much.

The close range vision starts to go with most people after age 40. my long range vision is still amazingly sharp but small letters when reading are starting to get fuzzy. Reading glasses may be in my not so distant future. I think lots of staring at the computer screen has hastened along the fuzzy close range vision for me.
Otherwise I feel pretty good. I don't recouperate from sparring as quickly as I used to but that is good encouragement to avoid getting hit! :)

I am still a kid at heart and just came back from a waterpark vacation with my family. I enjoyed the water rides as much as my 7 year old! :)
I also can't eat as much junk as I used to but thats a good thing.
The close range vision starts to go with most people after age 40. my long range vision is still amazingly sharp but small letters when reading are starting to get fuzzy.

Same act different play here as well. Dr. said my distance is still 20/20 which while much worse than when I first started seeing her 19 years ago is still darn good for 43.

As for staying up all night or just getting by on 2 or 3 hours of sleep, still can as well as when I was a teenager. Couple that with never getting hangovers (not that I didn't give myself PLENTY of tries). I am glad I am married and a Father, because I could still stay out drinking like a fish all night and function the next day if I didn't have the responsibility. I'd be a sitting duck for liver problems and a major drunk. And yes I tested the ability just last February at a seminar, still right there. :)
My concession is getting an automatic transmission due to knee issues. It's not that I cannot work a clutch but there were times that I felt it and I wondered about the long-term effect.

The last two cars I've owned have/had a nice semi-manual shift mechanism though. Push the shifter up to upshift and push teh shifter back to down shift. There's no possibility of accidently shifting into reverse. This works well for me in bad weather driving. Also, my current car has a 'sports mode' which changes the shifting pattern to a more aggressive mode. I use it when I need quick acceleration and it works very well.
My thinning hair and my glasses are at the top of the list but coming in a close third is my inability to heal as fast as I once did
Reading glasses, seiza hurts, shikko really hurts, I only take falls from folks who know how to throw, slap out early and often from joint locks, 50% deaf in one ear, don't like any music written before 1980 and trying to keep the kids out of my yard.

Suddenly, I see the fashion sense in wearing black socks with sandals and my pants just feel more comfortable with the waistline just below my sternum.

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