Two areas that are being neglected in this discussion of stab vs. slash are tendons and nerves, which will produce instant results. Many street drugs can produce assailants with inhuman responses. These assailants could “temporarily” shrug off lethal stabs to vital organs, including the heart. All major tendons of the limbs lie very close to the surface of the body. I know you may be thinking “a severed tendon will not dispatch an opponent.” However, consider the loss of say your biceps tendon, which would prevent you from flexing your elbow, regardless if you feel it or not. Another prime target could be the brachial plexus (just under the armpit) which would sever the nervous and arterial conduits to the entire arm. With just one slash the attacker would loose the use of his entire arm instantly. Without medical aid they would also bleed out in under a minute. The immediate immobility of ones arm could prove a difficult injury to continue with. In dealing with medicated or fatally determined individuals you “can not” wait for lack of blood to the brain to render them neutral. It is far faster to target the mechanical components of the anatomy. If nerves are not connected to the muscles, or the muscle is not attached to the bone the limbs will cease to function period. Yes, I know that there are certain stabs that will sever these mechanical components. This would require an extremely accurate thrust; and once the point entered the body it would become an internal slash would it not?
Any comments? :enguard:
Any comments? :enguard: