Skipping training out of laziness

I saw a guy start to pass a kidney stone once. I'm pretty sure that surpasses any pain I've ever experienced. Dude just fell sideways out of his chair in the middle of a manager meeting. We thought he was dying.
I was x-rayed during my kidney stone attack and the radiographer said she’d had a kidney stone and two children and the pain of the kidney stone was far worse.

I tell every woman that little story…which is why I’m so hated in the U.K. 😑
I was x-rayed during my kidney stone attack and the radiographer said she’d had a kidney stone and two children and the pain of the kidney stone was far worse.

I tell every woman that little story…which is why I’m so hated in the U.K. 😑
That ranks up there with asking women their age…😂
I saw a guy start to pass a kidney stone once. I'm pretty sure that surpasses any pain I've ever experienced. Dude just fell sideways out of his chair in the middle of a manager meeting. We thought he was dying.
My wife gets them occasionally, the level of pain varies. She got one in college, I've never seen her in so much pain. We took her to the hospital not knowing what it was and I thought her appendix was bursting.
In a similar vein, I once supervised a lovely student who wanted to know if butch lesbians (she insisted that was then the correct term) had a higher pain threshold than feminine lesbians. She devised a great experiment that was easy to administer, she has access to lots of lesbians and she performed a literature search about pain thresholds. To my great delight, she produced several pieces of research that showed that men have higher pain thresholds than women. I used to carry a copy of one of those to whip out for when any female friend suggested we blokes wouldn’t be able to handle childbirth or mentioned ‘man flu’😉

My student’s project suggested that butch lesbian’s pain thresholds we’re similar to men’s.
In a similar vein, I once supervised a lovely student who wanted to know if butch lesbians (she insisted that was then the correct term) had a higher pain threshold than feminine lesbians. She devised a great experiment that was easy to administer, she has access to lots of lesbians and she performed a literature search about pain thresholds. To my great delight, she produced several pieces of research that showed that men have higher pain thresholds than women. I used to carry a copy of one of those to whip out for when any female friend suggested we blokes wouldn’t be able to handle childbirth or mentioned ‘man flu’😉

My student’s project suggested that butch lesbian’s pain thresholds we’re similar to men’s.
What a class! 😄