SKH visited Hatsumi in December

Woo Hoo, I can buy an autographed photo of Mr Hayes for 10 bucks!

Thats 25 bucks cheaper than having him sign one in person.


But seriously... its too bad it didnt say more about the trip, other than the Photo and "I went"

Did he train? Did he just visit? What did he do?
arnisador said:
What's an An-shu?
As head of the Kasumi-An, he uses the title "An-shu", which literally means "hermitage director," An being a retreat or hermitage, and Shu being a director or overseer.
"Old friend" Toshiro Nagato...:rolleyes: now there's a good one...

I wasn't there of course, but I've heard that training with Soke and the shihan wasn't at the top of SKH's list of priorities while there.

Judging from his web page, "it's all 'bout the dum dum dubudum dum"...
Then I assume you don't quite agree with James Garcia's statements on the matter over at Kutaki a few months ago?