Situation and world appreciation!

Corporal Hicks

Black Belt
I wasnt quite sure where to place this thread but since it has a serious undertone to it I thought it could have its place in the study.
Now for the reason Im writing this;
I'm currently in my second week of university, and absolutely loving it, however most people have gone home for the weekend and its given me some time to think (not good). What I was thinking was, that eventually this is all going to end and that I know Im going to miss it, this I know will happen eventually and I know that I should not worry about it until it happens and enjoy the moment to the full, however one problem I am having is truely appreciating the situation that Im in. I know that Im happy here, I can look out on campus and think that one day I will miss this, so I try and memorise what it looks like and how I feel, however even though I know Im happy, I dont feel happy because it doesnt feel like Im appreciating the moment fully enough. Maybe something to do with either not remembering (since I have a rather poor memory). Its not really the case of worrying about losing it, because I know that that will happen and I've accepted that, its more of the case of not appreciating the time that I do have, fully, right now!
What am I doing wrong? Is this related to the power of now in some way? What advice would anybody give me?

In relation to this, is this what most people feel at times? Do we really go the way around this world and not appreciate what we have? Is it a human condition we are born with? Or are we wrapped up too much in our own life?
Your comments please

Kind Regards
I've never been nostalgic for what's happening right now, nor have I felt the need to be.

That memorable stuff happens when it happens, the day you sat in your apartment over break doing laundry and watching TV (nothing especially good at that, more of a talking lamp moment) probably isn't ever going to be high on that list no matter how you try to affix it to your memory. People just don't miss the tedious stuff.

I sympathize completely. Happened to me when I was finishing high school. I think your realization that this is a high point in your life and that you'll miss it someday is your appreciating it. When people say "you don't really appreciate something until it's gone", I don't think they mean you're doing something wrong, but that you can only truly appreciate something you no longer have and can compare past and present experiences, sorta like it's being put in a context you couldn't see while you were in the experience. This is how life works. I couldn't appreciate the positive aspects of my military service until I was discharged. Apprecation comes with perspective, usually hindsight as well.

Best of luck in the university. What are you majoring in?
Take some photos, they'll help with your memories later (by the way I also have a terrible memory) and get out there and have some fun! You can think too much about things sometimes you know. Good luck mate
Thanks for the replies!Especially about thinking too much, since I know in essence you are right. I'm majoring in, or lets say as we do over here, Im doing a degree in Police Sciences. Its brand new here!

Thanks for the advice guys, really appreciated!
Kind Regards
Sometimes the items you least expect will trigger a fond memory too. I recently found a bottle I saved from my 21'st birthday "shuffle". It didn't bring back the actual memory (you can infer what you want there), however it did remind me of my friends and the "easy" life back then.

Just some food for thought. :)
just dont go to class EVERY SINGLE TIME and the good moments will happen :)
nah, for real
just dont over-work yourself, and on the other hand dont party all the time
find your balance.
college life is nice and memorable, as long as it doesnt end sadly
the way i did it (who cares? you're going!) i never drank, never smoked!!(u know what i mean, if u dont then you will very soon!) and i studied hard and worked out hard for the first two years, and i slacked (almost completely) for the rest of the years!
what school are you going to?
good luck