Senior Master
Here's my baby photo , my parents thought I was cute as a button.
I already said i was sorry. many times. Im just not comfortable around any babies even if she is my niece. I have a neighbor - my mom's friend - who doesnt like cats and moves away from my cat Princess. My mom and me arent gonna say ban her from our house because she pulled away. Its nuts. Same with babies. My behavior was weird, and I apologized, even some of my aunts and uncles and cousins and my grandmother parents agreed that my bro and his gf's reaction isnt right either. Thats why theyre not going sdown, they said they arent going and leaving me out. I have never been a baby person. never. My bro and gf knew that. There was no reason to call me a threat or something. Its terrible.
Luckyboxer, if I told you the whole story you would understand why i never liked the gf and my parents never did really like her that much either. You'd understand im not spoiled and childish and expect to be catered to. She never really liked neither me or my parents right from the beginning. I know you can only write just from what u read here, but you'd understand if i had told the whole full story.
And you're right. The baby is just the excuse. There have been many incidences. they even called my mom - my niece's grandmother - basically a threat to her. And my mom loves babies! If she thought my mom was a threat, and she cant get enough of her, then what am I? Jeez.
I was involved with my niece from the beginning, in my own way. I bought her first toys. I named her, gave her a middle name that my bro and his gf liked and agreed with. For Christmas present i gave them a ornament that said babys first christmas 2010. I was involved in my own way. I went to see her the day she was born.