Just need to have a vent and let off a little steam about my problem

I'm rather concerned however that discussing it here could make things worse, I've noticed a few times when Googling something that a MT thread will pop up relevant or pertaining to that which I was looking up. It's still in the public domain, not unlike Facebook etc it can be read by anyone, I'm betting it won't be difficult for Blade's family to find here and read that they all have 'issues', that may not be a pleasant surprise.
I do realise that people post up their opinions, problems etc but I think sometimes that for problems of a very personal nature this may not be the best place to post them?
I agree Tez. That, and I think MT has content-sharing agreements with some other sites. Am I correct Bob?
Agreed, and just to be clear, it's 3 dogs totalling about 400 lbs! :) Bunch of big breed mutts.

Attsalotta dog(s)! And I bet at least one of them is convinced they are a lap dog :)

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