Silverback Gorilla vs Grizzly Bear

Gorilla standing no chance against a grizzly? I doubt it, gorillas are very strong. Mas Oyama killed large bulls, but even 5 Mas Oyamas wouldn't be able to kill a silverback male gorilla. The gorilla is stronger than the grizzly, both have about the same amount of fighting experiance believe it or not, gorilla may have even a bit more (grizzly when it rarelly hunts, and gorilla when it fights rival males). I think a silverback could at least best a 400 pound grizzly, perhaps a grizzly over 600 pounds would be a different story.
The record for a male gorilla in the wild is 482 lbs and 77 inches high. An adult male grizzly may weigh up to 1400 lbs and stand 12 feet tall on its hind legs. Its paws can be over 14 inches across, with claws up to 8 inches long. They can outrun a large dog for short distances. A grizzly's teeth can crush the leg bones of a moose or elk easily, and we saw a pick up truck in Montanna once that had the metal on the doors and hood ripped clean through by a grizzy's claws. They regularly get pissed off and flip over volkswagons and small vehicles. Grizzlies have been witnessed killing wolves with one blow from their paws, and they have bitten through the necks of moose on many occasions in order to kill them. I just don't think your largest silverback gorilla is any match.
Kane said:
Earlier I made a thread called Lion vs Tiger, the biggest animal vs animal debate on the web. Well here is probably the second biggest.

Who would win between a silverback gorilla and a grizzly bear. Let's say both weigh 400 pounds. Would the gorilla's superior strength be enough for the grizzly's advantage of having claws?

I favor the gorilla.
I think you've come up with a very shrinky Grizzly. Should be Gorilla vs Black Bear if you're going to mash those kind of stats.

As it is, the Grizzly bear has size, strength and superior natural weapons in the Grizzly's claws and teeth. I doubt the Silverback would have a chance.

Wolverene vs Fossa would be more interesting IMO.
Marginal said:
I think you've come up with a very shrinky Grizzly. Should be Gorilla vs Black Bear if you're going to mash those kind of stats.

As it is, the Grizzly bear has size, strength and superior natural weapons in the Grizzly's claws and teeth. I doubt the Silverback would have a chance.

Wolverene vs Fossa would be more interesting IMO.
Actually female inland grizzlies can weigh as less as 450 pounds, so if a 450 pound silverback was to fight a 450 pound grizzly the silverback would win.

Against a black bear it would be even easier. The black bear not only is smaller than grizzly, but a lot less robust and less strong. The silverback should not have much problem with a black bear.
Gene Williams said:
A silverback gorilla would not likely be able to defeat a black bear, either. You don't know much about animals, do you?
Really? Actually I do know quite a bit about these animals. It is rare for a grizzly to reach 12 feet tall and weigh 1,400 pounds, Kodiak grizzlies are 1,100 pounds on average. Coastal Brown Bears can get bigger but this is also rare.

Inland grizzlies average less than 700 pounds for males, but grizzlies can weigh anywhere between 300-1,700 pounds. So a same-size battle is very likelly.

What can a black bear do compared to a grizzly? Much more docile, the silverback is much stronger capable of lifting its own bodyweight. A silverback will usually fight to the death against armed poachers to protect his troop, while a black bear (who evolved as a prey species believe it or not despite being in the order Carniovra) would go up a tree.
silatman said:
Whats a Fossa?
I was wondering the same thing......maybe it's an obnoxious neighbor of "Marginal", and he'd like to see the guy's butt kicked by a wolverine.....Just a guess, and of course, just kidding, but I've spent a lot of time in the wilderness, and I've never knowingly come across a "fossa".
Fossa: World's Strangest Predator
Kane said:
Really? Actually I do know quite a bit about these animals. It is rare for a grizzly to reach 12 feet tall and weigh 1,400 pounds, Kodiak grizzlies are 1,100 pounds on average. Coastal Brown Bears can get bigger but this is also rare.

Inland grizzlies average less than 700 pounds for males, but grizzlies can weigh anywhere between 300-1,700 pounds. So a same-size battle is very likelly.

What can a black bear do compared to a grizzly? Much more docile, the silverback is much stronger capable of lifting its own bodyweight. A silverback will usually fight to the death against armed poachers to protect his troop, while a black bear (who evolved as a prey species believe it or not despite being in the order Carniovra) would go up a tree.
So, the gorilla would fight until the bear killed it. Fine.
Gene Williams said:
I've done a good bit of work in natural history and zoology over the years. A gorilla is no match for a grizzly. Wouldn't even be close. There is no animal in the Americas that could handle a grizzly, with the possible exception of a large bull. In the novel, "Lonesome Dove," by Larry Mc Murtry, there is an account (probably taken from an old eyewitness account), of an encounter between a grizzly and a large red bull. Makes for good reading. A grizzly and a Polar Bear would make a good fight. But, if you want to match animals from different continents, try some of these: 1) Tiger vs Grizzly; 2) Salt Water Crocodile vs Great White Shark; 3) Rhino vs Grizzly or Polar Bear. The elephant gets a land mammal can handle a full grown bull elephant. Now, just for fun (and noise) in North America, how about a badger vs a wolverine.
True, Grizzlies are generally much larger than even the largest gorilla so I think that in most cases it probably would be no match.

However, we're comparing apples to oranges. Pound per pound the Gorilla is stronger, so if you took comparably equal sized members of both species it would not be so uneven (say 400 lbs. each). However, the Grizzly's charge is formidable - even were the opponent a creature of an equivalent size.

I think it also depends, given species members of equal size, where they fought. In the open as in much of Alaska - I think the bear would have the tactical edge. In a jungle - the Gorilla very well may. My concern in betting on the gorilla in a pound-for-pound match would be that the Gorilla might take the Grizzly's charge rather than move aside to counter as other animals might.

In any case, this is hypothetical. No sense for any contention over it. I WOULDN'T want to face either.

Now, the Grizzly and Polar Bear match would be the fight of the century!
I think some of you are not seeing the match-up I have in mind here. Of course a 1,000 pound grizzly would beat a 400 pound silverback. However I am talking about if the two individuals were at the same weight, if both were at the same weight let us say 400 pounds then I am sure the silverback would own a grizzly. But a grizzly over 600 pounds will produce one dead 400 pound gorilla.
A 400 pound male grizzly would probably be a young male. Maybe not enough maturity to be really formidable. But, the grizzly is a natural hunter/killer. I think the hard-wiring has a lot to do with it.
Kane said:
Inland grizzlies average less than 700 pounds for males, but grizzlies can weigh anywhere between 300-1,700 pounds. So a same-size battle is very likelly.
Ah....except for the fact that I've never heard much about gorillas and bears living side by side....
Kane said:
Actually female inland grizzlies can weigh as less as 450 pounds, so if a 450 pound silverback was to fight a 450 pound grizzly the silverback would win.

Against a black bear it would be even easier. The black bear not only is smaller than grizzly, but a lot less robust and less strong. The silverback should not have much problem with a black bear.

The point is, pitting a fully mature, full sized male silverback against an undersized grizzly doesn't do much to demonstrate the gorilla's superiority. If you're going to toss a smaller bear at one, you might as well just uses a black bear as they're naturally smaller than grizzlies, and a mature, full-sized bear would make for a more relevant comparison.

(Back to the fossa, thought it'd be a good pairing due to both's reputations for tenacity. Wolverne probably outsizes it but that doesn't seem to be an issue. Just find a scrawny one, and bingo, fight's on.)
If you could get the bear to stay and fight, I think even a 400 lb bear would win. They can take quite a beating and would only have to hit the gorilla once. I've heard a grizzly can take the head clean off a horse with one swipe.

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