Sick Student

terryl965 said:
Just got back from the hospital he is doing better and TXBB and his family are doing ok considering. I know all your thought are a warm welcome to them.
Thank you all for your replys
Terr Lee Stoker

Good to hear. I hope he makes a rapid recovery.
terryl965 said:
Just got back from the hospital he is doing better and TXBB and his family are doing ok considering. I know all your thought are a warm welcome to them.
Thank you all for your replys
Terr Lee Stoker

May he continue to recover well and quickly! It is indeed good news that he is doing better.

- Ceicei
Thank You One And All,

For your thoughts, prayers and best wishes.

My son is on the mend, the hardest thing will be to slow him down so, that we are not in a relapse mode.

In deepest appreciation,

Joe Aguon

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