holiday gesture


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
I would personally like to wish everybody a happy holiday and remember those less fortunate as we. Keep our troops in our hearts and family close this time of year. If you drink be wise and call a cab or get a friend to drive. GOD BLESS EVERYONE ON THIS FORUM AND HAVE A SAFE HOLIDAY!

Terry Lee Stoker
Twin Dragons Martial Art Studio
Arlington Texas
I second that Terry!

Happy Holiday's everyone :cheers:

Please stay safe :karate:
terryl965 said:
I would personally like to wish everybody a happy holiday and remember those less fortunate as we. Keep our troops in our hearts and family close this time of year. If you drink be wise and call a cab or get a friend to drive. GOD BLESS EVERYONE ON THIS FORUM AND HAVE A SAFE HOLIDAY!
Same to you, Sir--everyone be safe! :ultracool
Happy Holidays to everyone from the gloomy overcast state of Minnesota. ;) I am thankful that the sun does come out occasionally. And please pray or send your good thoughts for our troops serving at this time that they are out of harm's way. TW
Thanks and Happy Holidays to all of you also from California!! Don't eat too much turkey, relax and have fun!!

:ultracool :ultracool :ultracool :ultracool
yea seriously if you get slagged give them keys up, or call a cab, drinking and driving is really not smart. be Safe
Now that it's finally the "Holiday" season,-

I wish everyone on MT a jubilant ChrismaHanuKwanzakah! :)

Happy Holidays all! May all your loved ones be close to you on during this holiday season and keep safe.
Zepp said:
Now that it's finally the "Holiday" season,-I wish everyone on MT a jubilant ChrismaHanuKwanzakah! :) :cheers:
Right back at you, Garrett! And I wish the same to everyone as well.

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