Eternal Beginner
Brown Belt
terryl965 said:Zachary has a blown MCL of the inner portion of the left leg he will be fine. He is like ripping at the thought of no training for the next couple of weeks before he starts rehab, then April 29th is the date we set for tournaments again so we shall see..
I do wish to thank everybody here on MT he has loved the extra attention from it and it has helped with the mental picture as well.
Terry and son Zachary
Ouch! Sorry to hear about the injury. One comforting thing is that I myself am just coming off almost identical injury and am already back to training and have just recently got the all clear to compete again. . I hurt myself at beginning of January and am almost back to 100% already.
I don't mean to turn the thread into a story about myself, but I just wanted to give Zachary the idea that if he is faithful about his rehab and does everything the doc's and PT's tell him to, he will be back as good as ever. I'm a brittle old lady and I recovered this quick - I know a young whippersnapper like him will be back in no time!