Shoulder and elbow injuries...


Yellow Belt
Aug 1, 2010
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I recently over stressed the tendons in my elbow while weight training, and having shoulder probs in the same arm... So I was at the martial arts supply store today, and the owner offered me a bottle of "dit da jow" that she makes herself...says they bury big bottles of it in the ground for months to allow it to ferment. I have heard of it before but never tried it.

Does anyone here actually use this stuff ?
Any other advice on injuries like this would be appriciated...they tend to linger on and on, I guess because I am forced to use these joints hundreds of times a day, regardless of pain. Anyway, thanks all...
proper dit da jow is good stuff, I was given a couple of recipes by my senior although I haven't made up a batch yet. I do however have a bottle of a batch he made himself and I use that with my iron palm training.
if it's just aches pains and bruises you want to deal with, there are cheaper things that dit da jow. one of the best is called - Zheng Gu Shui.
you should be able to pick it up from any Chinese pharmacy or somewhere like that. It works wonders on aching muscles.