Should one 'have a go' or even defend yourself?

Whenever you decide to give aid, whether its first aid or stepping in to defend someone, you've got to assess the situation and make sure that you have a reasonable chance of success. For example, if you are unarmed and multiple assailants with weapons are accosting someone, one might want to think twice before stepping into that situation.
Statistically, most murderers are not rapists and most rapists are not murderers. Also statistically, defending yourself works. Predators are looking for prey, not combat. In most cases, an aggressive, confidant posture and brandishing a weapon will be enough to give you an opportunity to escape.

I tell my wife to be smart. Follow her instincts and avoid dangerous situations. But if someone tries to violate her body, to fight back with everything she is.

Pay attention. Make good decisions and keep your head on a swivel. Do everything you can ahead of time to protect yourself from violence. But if you get attacked, bite, claw, scream and struggle until either you escape, or one of you is dead.

That may not be the decision everyone makes, but it's what we teach in the Sandwell home.

I would say go with your gut, and well If You Fight You May Die. But you have to make that call when it happens. that said, if you go, GO FOR BROKE! NO QUARTER, NO HALF MEASURES! assume there is a weapon, and that the suspect has the ability and willingness to do great injury or kill.

That said, the best for one case may be a call to 911 or in the UK i understand its 999 (?).
get a good description of the suspects, and get medics, and LEO there that way.

But you are going to have to make that call then and there. after all no one else can

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