should i say anything?


2nd Black Belt
A mom brought her twin 7 tr old boys to watch the bjj program at my school. I asked if they had any exp and the mom was quick to say that they were both black belts. Their instructor, I personally know, is a fraud. He claims to teach tkd up to black belt then switches to okinowa te. The problem is that he has never trained in tkd. He moved to the area was hired by a retiring gm. He learned taeguek 1-8, poorly, and has been teaching "tkd" ever since. The gm broke ties when he saw them in action at a local tourney.
No cert or ties to any tkd but awards a bb in tkd within 18 mo.
The mom signed up for bjj. She came early and saw a tkd sparring class. The boys were curious because they never sparred.they were told tkd rules excludes 7 yr olds from contact.
Should I say anything and, if so, what?
Not first time this situation, but kids happy in bjj. Maybe just let alone and they will forget instructor what's his name.
God yes, spill your guts and help these people understand they have nothing. Maybe you could even get them a real BB one day.
-Show them what it takes to be a black belt at your place. Everything a student must know and do, the basics, the forms, weapons (if you do them before black), history and culture, whatever...then see how they react.

Then break it to them gently. But break them you must, otherwise the mother may think she can protect her boys from a mugger and find out the hard way that she can't.

Unless she's clueless, she will see differences, and will ask. You should be truthful, but let the timing happen naturally. It's important for her to get a chance to see the quality of what you do so she sees that it's worthwhile for her kids.
Unless she's clueless, she will see differences, and will ask. You should be truthful, but let the timing happen naturally. It's important for her to get a chance to see the quality of what you do so she sees that it's worthwhile for her kids.

+1 to this approach. Don't put her in the position of forcing her to validate her pride and money spent by rejecting you as a viable teacher.
Should you say anything? To me, no. Personally, I don't think any instructor is ever 100% happy with a transfer black belt student.

FWIW I have had BB Transfers that had better technique than my students. This seemed particularly true from Eastern European students. I have what I would call a "recreational club". Adults train 3-5 hours a week, many adults over 40.

Some of the transfers, aside to being 18-25 and having trained 5 or more year may have averaged 5 hours a day 5 days a week.

It also seems that they train the snot out of basics in a fashion that would cause many American Young people to quit over boredom.

I will say that the Canadian and South american transfers, as well as some from the netherlands seemed more open minded than some of the Eastern Europeans, but I got them to loosen up over time.