Can I turn 50???


Senior Master
Can I turn 50 years old and be a 4th dan Black Belt? Who knows but it sounds great, isn't it? This year I will be 47 on october and my 3rd dan test will be on july.

Frankly I never dream to become a 2nd dan black belt, now I have the oportunity to test to 3rd dan and I am quite exited because it's going to be a big achievement for me.

Become a third dan black belt will be for me something to behold and with a lot of pride I will turn to my mother and gave her a big smile when I get my third stripe.

My mom since I was a teen knew inside her that martial arts will be a big part of me, she saw me cutting the blood blisters of my feet and continuing training no matter my feet were destroyed by the rough wooden floor, she saw me in tournaments beating and been beaten, she helped me to recover my teeth afther a turning dollyo chagui doing free sparring, she was my companion in the hospital afther a broken noose, she saw my BIG smile when I got my 1st degree black belt, she saw me and felt the pain but also the cherish with me all these years, she encourage me to keep going.

I am not the little boy of mama, nop but the conection beetwen us is very big and she always be there with me in those TKD moments of my life.

Sorry to be sentimental but good things are coming for me inside TKD.

she helped me to recover my teeth afther a turning dollyo chagui doing free sparring

How did that happen? Did the person have poor control? Not care about light contact to head? Were you wearing a moothguard? And I guess I should ask - when you say "teeth", how many?
How did that happen? Did the person have poor control? Not care about light contact to head? Were you wearing a moothguard? And I guess I should ask - when you say "teeth", how many?

I wasn't wearing a mouth piece, in those days the only thing we used to spar was maybe shin guards and a cup, we used to sparr full contact ecen now, the instep of the other guy caught me in the mouth so my uper front theet wnt back ecen touching the paladar. I neded to go to Maxilofacial doctor whu put my theet in place and put me a lot of wire on my mouth.

How did that happen? Did the person have poor control? Not care about light contact to head? Were you wearing a moothguard? And I guess I should ask - when you say "teeth", how many?

Training in the 70's and 80's was considerably more brutal than it is today. And Manny lives in Mexico, which even today is not (or at least I don't have the impression that it is) anywhere near as litigious as the US.
Training in the 70's and 80's was considerably more brutal than it is today. And Manny lives in Mexico, which even today is not (or at least I don't have the impression that it is) anywhere near as litigious as the US.

Never ever in my mind crossed the idea of litigius againts my sambonims or dojangs when I got kicked hard. If you play soccer you will kicked if you play base ball maybe you can get hit by a fast ball, if you do boxing you be knocke out if you treain martial arts you will be kicked once in a while too.

Can I turn 50 years old and be a 4th dan Black Belt? Who knows but it sounds great, isn't it? This year I will be 47 on october and my 3rd dan test will be on july.

Frankly I never dream to become a 2nd dan black belt, now I have the oportunity to test to 3rd dan and I am quite exited because it's going to be a big achievement for me.

Become a third dan black belt will be for me something to behold and with a lot of pride I will turn to my mother and gave her a big smile when I get my third stripe.

My mom since I was a teen knew inside her that martial arts will be a big part of me, she saw me cutting the blood blisters of my feet and continuing training no matter my feet were destroyed by the rough wooden floor, she saw me in tournaments beating and been beaten, she helped me to recover my teeth afther a turning dollyo chagui doing free sparring, she was my companion in the hospital afther a broken noose, she saw my BIG smile when I got my 1st degree black belt, she saw me and felt the pain but also the cherish with me all these years, she encourage me to keep going.

I am not the little boy of mama, nop but the conection beetwen us is very big and she always be there with me in those TKD moments of my life.

Sorry to be sentimental but good things are coming for me inside TKD.


That is the beauty of TKD. Not only can you be a 50 year old 4th dan black belt, but you can be a 12 year old 4th dan black belt. Best of both worlds.
Can I turn 50 years old and be a 4th dan Black Belt? Who knows but it sounds great, isn't it?
Sure. In 2018, I'll turn 70 :jaw-dropping: and I plan to test for 7th Degree.

Never tell yourself you can't do something. Age does slow us down, but all that means is that we have to change our viewpoint and use our brains more. You can do anything you set your mind to. Never give up and if you encounter setbacks, readjust your goals, overcome the setbacks and persevere!
Folks, let's do two things.
1 - Keep it nice.
2 - Return to the topic.
Not sure if there is a waiting period of "X" number of years before testing to the next rank but I see no other reason for you not to test for that 4th degree when your 50.
Best of luck with your goal

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