Originally posted by tshadowchaser
This statment is true of people in all ranks.
I agree with this 100% I have seen this many times myself. It not only happens with lower black belts, but also with higher ranked ones too. A few things that they need to remember.
1- We all were a white belt at one time. We all made mistakes and even though it might be very frustrating especially when teaching a lower belt, we still have to have patience with them, cuz we were there too.
2- This is probably the most important one. Nobody is perfect and nobody is invincible!!! For someone to walk around and think that they are better than everyone else is VERY wrong. This is something that I have seen also. Rank means nothing! You could be a green belt and 1st degree black belt, or a 5th degree...it means nothing. It does not turn you into a superman. You can still get your a** kicked, just like the next guy. What matters, is your knowledge and your understanding of it. Alot of times rank is given to people that do not deserve it. Just cuz someone walks around with 5 stripes on his belt, does not mean that he understands what he is doing. Should he? Yes, but that is not always the case.
Its one thing to be confident, but to walk around thinking you're the best--well, that person needs to be knocked down a few pegs!