Shito-ryu vs. Kenpo

For a little over a month, I've been studying at a Shito Ryu dojo. At first I didn't think I was going to like the changes from kenpo to shito ryu, but I've been adapting fairly well IMHO. I think most of the things mentioned above comparing the two are pretty accurate. The basics of yellow and orange belt students at my new dojo are better than some of the purple or blue belts at the kenpo school I studied at for a year. The pace at which new material is learned is far slower in shito ryu, which I like and dislike at the same time, but I understand why the pace is where it is.

Another huge difference(at least with the dojos I've been a student at) is the emphasis placed on drillwork to improve perception, hand-eye coordination, plyometrics to strengthen fast-twitch muscles, etc. In the kenpo school I was at these types of drills were rarely done and there was no streching before class unless it was done individually on our own time.(my old instructor doesn't think kicks should go much higher than the waist) As a result I am horribly out of shape and need a lot of work improving my flexibility.

Right now I plan on continuing to study Shito-ryu and sometime in future going back to learning kenpo after I've built a foundation of powerful techniques by studying shito-ryu.

Fletcher said:
Right now I plan on continuing to study Shito-ryu and sometime in future going back to learning kenpo after I've built a foundation of powerful techniques by studying shito-ryu.

That sounds like an excellent plan Fletch! Really. They are both fine martial arts with lots of good to offer.

It's a shame that your Kenpo school's Purples move so poorly. The fundamentals of the art MUST be stressed, stressed and stressed again... Always. We never transcend them. They are the foundation that supports the rest of the structure.
Ahwell.. sounds like I'm preaching to the quire.

Whatever you do, Do your best.
Good luck to you my friend.
Your Brother
Preach on Brother, it seems that generally people are to concerned with looking for a secret, without bothering with the sweating it out
Fletcher said:
Right now I plan on continuing to study Shito-ryu and sometime in future going back to learning kenpo after I've built a foundation of powerful techniques by studying shito-ryu.

I took a college course Shito-Ryu with Shihan Joe Shuris (spelling?) My legs ached and ached, but my fighting stance was emaculate at the end of that course, and I had had trouble with sore knees when in Kenpo. That all went away. I would recomend that class to anyone. My problem with the system was the teaching of exagerated basics as a foundation. Refinement becomes more difficult. You are right though. Sometimes less is more; when you are ready to build on that foundation, come back to Kenpo and you will be a better martial artist for it.
The Kai said:
Preach on Brother, it seems that generally people are to concerned with looking for a secret, without bothering with the sweating it out
There IS a secret...
It's cleaverly hidden under the word "Basics"!!!
most over-look it and walk down a long twisting path looking for it, never realizing that they stepped over it when they came through the door.

Your Brother

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