

Senior Master
Hay, any of you folks do any shield work. And I don't mean like hitting a kick shield. I mean wielding a shield as a weapon. I want to know incase I get attacked in between school and home. Since I could use my backpack like a shield. I would like to know so at some point I could take that style and learn how to do something other pugilism and what ever comes out. Could you also give me some basic drills/techniques/or anything I could use to give myself a start. On that same line of thought I would also like to learn the whip/hojo/whip dagger (my belt), and this nasty little thing called a pocket stick/yawara (pin/pencil). And maybe self defense against an ax/club (a lot of the gangsters and wannabes around were I life like to use base ball bats and tire irons as weapons). And donÂ’t worry, I donÂ’t think I will have to use this stuff; it's mostly a precaution. And I also probably wont use the weapons unless i'm out numbered or the monkey-butt has a weapon. And i'm planning on consulting my sensei on this material. IÂ’d just wait until IÂ’d be taught it, but coung nhu before black belt only teaches disarmed, tambo, Bo staff, and knife and gun self defense.

Sweet Brighit Bless your Blade,


Ohh, and anything else you think I might need if one of the gangs that don't like me jumps me.

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