Shariah posters in the U.K.?

As has been said the Dail Mail is one of the worst right wing rascist etc etc newspapers going, it will pick a ting incident up and turn it into a huge drama.
I was watching a programme the other night about Ludlow a town in the UK, because of the demand for Halal meat it's livestock market is thriving. The farmers are selling ewes that are past their lambing days and normally worth little to farmers but they are bought for mutton by Halal meat traders, thus ensureing a fair bit of prosperity for this town. Having an Islamic population isn't always bad news.

As has been stated before, Sharia law is not nor ever will be the 'law of the land here', it is only valid for Muslims who chose to use it as a mediation service, it's valid for loans, Muslim marriage as in divorce ( though marriage and divorce still have to be carried out according to UK laws). It isn't used nor is it valid in any UK law court, police station etc. It's a panic over nothing as the Mail well knows but hey why not stir things up and cause trouble?

Very nice post Jenna, a pleasure to read!