Share your greatest song or lyric???

Man, I screwed that up......let me try again....

Lawyers, Guns and Money came out after he released "Werewolves of London", which I also loved.

Towards the end of that song, are these lyrics..

I saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's
And his hair was perfect!

Back then, me and two other fools went to Hawaii for a couple weeks of R and R and to take a much needed break from the dojo.... which turned into two months of partying. Running low on funds, we used to go to Trader Vic's. They had an all you can eat deal everyday between four and eight P.M.

We'd get there right at four, consume mass quantities, sitting on the balcony overlooking the strip, people watching. About twenty minutes before eight, we'd get up and eat again. It's all we would eat, or need, for the whole day. All for eight bucks. we went there every day.

One night a bunch of gals came in. One had a boom box thing. She played Werewolves of London. People started singing it, even the employees. We got up and started dancing, then everyone else did.

The chorus was....
Aa-hooo! Werewolves of London!
Aa-hooo! Werewolves of London!

Everybody in the place was singing and dancing, and just about screaming the chorus.

It was so freaking awesome I'll never forget it.

Mr Bad Example literally got me to try Fosters in the shade :)....


Never Fight a Man With a Perm

Lots of great lyrics in this song (and on the rest of the album, as well). This song highlights the stupid machismo of the bar fight scene.


Brylcream, creatine and a bag of Charlie Sheen

Brylcream, creatine and a bag of cocaine

A dulcet man with a dulcet tone from a dulcet town and a dulcet home

He hates me
I like that
Two arms like big baseball bats

I bark
He bites back
A jaw like a f*** off bear trap

He said these boots are made for stomping and that's just what they'll do
One of these days these boots are gonna stomp all over you

I said I've got a penchant for smokes and kicking douches in the mouth
Sadly for you my last cigarettes gone out

concrete and leather x6

A heathen from Eaton on a bag of Michael Keaton x2

He thinks he's suave
You're not suave cause you watch get Carter
You are a catalogue plastic Sinatra
A try hard who should have tried harder

Me oh me oh my Roy
You look like a walking thyroid
You're not a man you're a gland
You're one big neck with sausage hands

You are a Topshop tyrant
Even your haircuts violent
You look like you're off love island
He stood and the room went silent

Never fight a man with a perm

Concrete and leather x6

I’ll shut my mouth

Let’s hug it out x2

Let’s hug it out
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She said, "When you start getting all expressive and symbolic, it's impossible to actualize an honest diagnostic."
I said, "When you start getting all exact and algebraic, I'm reminded it's a racket, not a rehabilitation, okay?
Agree to disagree as grown-ups from opposing clans
Honoring the push and pull I should have called the Scholomance
Oh well. Preservation is a doozy
Will you be needing another appointment?"
I'm shrunk

(Understand that this song is from the 1960's, and one word might offend now, that was not deemed offensive back then)

Stand! In the end you'll still be you - One that's done all the things you set out to do
Stand! There's a cross for you to bear - Things to go through if you're going anywhere
Stand! For the things you know are right - It's the truth that the truth makes them so uptight
Stand! All the things you want are real - You have you to complete and there is no deal

Stand! Stand! Stand! Ooh! Stand! Stand! Stand! Ooh! Ooo ooo

Stand! You've been sitting much too long - There's a permanent crease in your right and wrong
Stand There's a midget standing tall - And a giant beside him about to fall

Stand! Stand! Stand! Ooh! Stand! Stand! Stand! Ooh! Ooo ooo

Stand! They will try to make you crawl - And they know what you're saying makes sense and all
Stand! Don't you know that you are free - Well at least in your mind if you want to be...

Everybody Stand! Stand!

Stand! Na na na na na na na na na nah
Stand! Na na na na na na na na na nah
Stand! Na na na na na na na na na nah
Stand! Na na na na na na na na na nah
Stand! Na na na na na na na na na nah
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Sunday night, a neighbor had a live band in his back yard. It was loud. Cop shows up to my neighbor's house, gives him a lecture about being intolerant, and then tells him that he had endangered his neighbor's safety by calling the cops. I've been thinking about this for a few days, rolling it around in my head, and the only way that makes any sense is if that cop was telling my neighbor, basically, 'Hey, I might go over there and shoot that guy because you called me. And if I do, it's your fault."
Stan Bush

I've worked hard every night and day
So I'm prepared to make my way
Mind and body are the perfect team
Now's my chance to live my dream

I'm taking hold of every moment
Given strength by the breath of life
I'm gonna stake my claim
I fight to survive!
Sunday night, a neighbor had a live band in his back yard. It was loud. Cop shows up to my neighbor's house, gives him a lecture about being intolerant, and then tells him that he had endangered his neighbor's safety by calling the cops. I've been thinking about this for a few days, rolling it around in my head, and the only way that makes any sense is if that cop was telling my neighbor, basically, 'Hey, I might go over there and shoot that guy because you called me. And if I do, it's your fault."
Not sure why that posted on this thread. How weird. :)
Vitriol, the cigarettes
A long night of thinking and the search for the best vignettes
Yeah well it was good wasn't it
Then it got bad,p Some say love it only comes once in a lifetime
Well once is enough for me
She was one in a million
So there's five more just in New south Wales