The full Blog entry can be found here, but here's the short version:
I have fully released a breakdown of the majority of Shaolin Kempo techniques that I have learned over the years. There are two separate lists - one that contains the "Verified" list of reviewed Shaolin Kempo Techniques.. These include technique breakdowns, instructor notes, theories and advanced concepts. The second part of the release, instead of just the "verified" section found here, I have also published the Breakdowns only for all the other Combinations and Forms (at least the one's that I have written out). They can be found on both the Shaolin Kempo Belt Requirement pages (by Rank and Table views).
Any technique that is reached at* is an unverified technique and will not be found on the Database page. However, I figured I'd might as well publish them out there and let you see them. Once they are verified, they will move to the Database page and include full notes.
For any Shaolin Kempo practitioners, enjoy the resource. For anyone else, feel free to browse around and ask questions!
I have fully released a breakdown of the majority of Shaolin Kempo techniques that I have learned over the years. There are two separate lists - one that contains the "Verified" list of reviewed Shaolin Kempo Techniques.. These include technique breakdowns, instructor notes, theories and advanced concepts. The second part of the release, instead of just the "verified" section found here, I have also published the Breakdowns only for all the other Combinations and Forms (at least the one's that I have written out). They can be found on both the Shaolin Kempo Belt Requirement pages (by Rank and Table views).
Any technique that is reached at* is an unverified technique and will not be found on the Database page. However, I figured I'd might as well publish them out there and let you see them. Once they are verified, they will move to the Database page and include full notes.
For any Shaolin Kempo practitioners, enjoy the resource. For anyone else, feel free to browse around and ask questions!