Shaolin Kempo Karate

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Kimo Fereira uses "Shaolin" in the name of his style of Kempo but I don't think his lineage is through Mr. Villari/USSD.
Funny thing? We all, ALL go back to one source or "parent" ultimately. So to me all of the fighting is what I find interesting and very sad.
Kimo Fereira uses "Shaolin" in the name of his style of Kempo but I don't think his lineage is through Mr. Villari/USSD.

No, he doesn't.

His style is Kempo-Jutsu. You may be thinking of Tom Ingargiola, who runs Shaolin Self Defense Centers, who is affiliated with Professor Kimo.

Professor Kimo's lineage is through Walter Godin, Martin Buell and others.

What would Professor Chow say about Kempo today? Well I can tell you that he was not happy with many in the kempo world who trained only briefly with him then went on to profit from his name...

It appears that one of the only people who did not profit from Professor Chow's name, was the Professor himself!
What would Professor Chow say about Kempo today? Well I can tell you that he was not happy with many in the kempo world who trained only briefly with him then went on to profit from his name...

It appears that one of the only people who did not profit from Professor Chow's name, was the Professor himself!

Yeah I've heard that, which was a shame given the man's talent and contribution to Kempo. At least GM Kuaho never abandoned him
I wonder if chow were teaching today ...would he be making money. or would he disdain that?

Prof. Chow didn't make very much money then, and wouldn't have now. Because he didn't compromise on his instruction.
His was one of the schools of hard knocks. No children running around in black belts. No kids birthday parties. No 12-18 month black belt academies. In his 40+ years of teaching, only a handful of individuals made it to black belt with him.
If he was alive and teaching now, it would be in a park or YMCA somewhere, because he couldn't keep enough students to pay the rent on a nice commercial location. He probably woudn't have it any other way.
Amen to that!
But it does suck when you have some quality teachings to share and cannot do so much because of lack of money. Balance is required.

Prof. Chow didn't make very much money then, and wouldn't have now. Because he didn't compromise on his instruction.
His was one of the schools of hard knocks. No children running around in black belts. No kids birthday parties. No 12-18 month black belt academies. In his 40+ years of teaching, only a handful of individuals made it to black belt with him.
If he was alive and teaching now, it would be in a park or YMCA somewhere, because he couldn't keep enough students to pay the rent on a nice commercial location. He probably woudn't have it any other way.

I think that if Prof. Chow was today accepting advanced students to come and train with him for a week for $1000, he would have more people trying to write him checks than he knew what to do with. Would most of them be paying for a picture with the Legend and a cool story? maybe, but they'd pay it. Especially if it turned out to actually to be valuable to the serious ones who came, then demand would be higher.

Who among us here would not be saving our pennies for a chance to do that?

Could he keep a stable student body? A small one, agreed. but with 2-3 visitors per month at a rate like that and he could train his regulars for free.
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