
To get back on topic, does anyone here have problems with tourists in your location? The biggest problem we get is public urination during Mardi Gras. 😂
We only get them coming to the national and state parks. We do get a rush of new freshmen and parents trying to find housing at the end of summer. June and July is mostly locals. Things have changed a lot in Humboldt over the last 15 years.
We only get them coming to the national and state parks. We do get a rush of new freshmen and parents trying to find housing at the end of summer. June and July is mostly locals. Things have changed a lot in Humboldt over the last 15 years.
I have to get out there. My wife has never been to the west coast.
To get back on topic, does anyone here have problems with tourists in your location? The biggest problem we get is public urination during Mardi Gras. 😂
Not really. Lots to do in the Seattle area, but it’s stuff like seafood, museums (like MoPop), and sightseeing. People who come here as tourists usually want to take ferries, go hiking or camping, fishing, and that sort of thing.
I never said that gun racks lead to anything. I think you maybe misunderstood me. But thanks for the gaslight, I can see more clearly now.
You did and then said you didn’t in the same post. I’m not sure you know what gaslighting is. 😂
You did and then said you didn’t in the same post. I’m not sure you know what gaslighting is. 😂
I didnt. It’s 2 separate observations in one post. I am aware of correlation vs causation. Keep insulting, it’s how you and I get into tiffs, and you get hurt feelings and need to talk about it later so we can make up.
Funny, I used to see rifles on racks in pickup windows everyday when I was a kid, never see that now. Shootings were less common then. Not making any connection between the two, just an observation. Maybe it’s people and culture that has changed.
See @Steve, two separate observations back to back. I maybe should have posted twice so as not to confuse you about my intent. Two separate sentences. Two separate observations. Then I point out that I’m not trying to connect the two, and it’s just an observation. If you want to discuss more, I’m open to that.
I didnt. It’s 2 separate observations in one post. I am aware of correlation vs causation. Keep insulting, it’s how you and I get into tiffs, and you get hurt feelings and need to talk about it later so we can make up.
are you okay?
Seriously man, what is your issue? Pretty childish going through disliking almost every one of his posts unwarranted, it says a lot. Care to explain or no?
He went ahead removed all of the 30 dislikes he gave me last night. He's not telling you that part.

But... why all the whining? 😂

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