September Festival 2005



Hi All,

just wanted a quick heads up of who is thinking of attending the Sept 05 Festival in Dayton, Ohio next year. I shall definately be there...

I have been trying to get to this for the last 2 yrs. I think I will actually make it this time.
Now is there any time that one gets to speak to SKH at all. I mean to come to this, would be nice to meet him. As well as learn as much as you can of course.
Yeah, I want to come. I have to see if I can afford it, plus I will be in college at the time, but if I can I really would like to go.
Bujingodai said:
I have been trying to get to this for the last 2 yrs. I think I will actually make it this time.
Now is there any time that one gets to speak to SKH at all. I mean to come to this, would be nice to meet him. As well as learn as much as you can of course.
actually he has set aside some time to take pics and stuff.
We should all make sure we tell each other when we find out what hotels we are staying at. That way we can all meet up and have a few drinks. (could be coke or beer) I can't wait. I look forward to it so much!!! You guys are great friends. I just wish it wasn't so expensive, but I think it will be worth it you know. I want to go early and take some classes too if I can. So if that happens I am sure I will see Limeydog there at least. I have never felt so excited about learning a martial art before!!! I don't know what it is, but I just can't wait to get into class.
Beer, Coke, Soju, Sake...bad combination to have before being thrown around on the mat by brothers in arms...LOL

I believe that the Quest have a hotel for all members/participants of the festival can stay at together...if memory serves me well it's a holiday inn...there is more info on the web site under Festival...but I could be wrong as I have no caffine in my system...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!LOL

I might need the beer before the fire walk at the end of the Festival...OWWWWWW HOT HOT OOOOOOWWWWWWW AHHHHH BEER ON THE FEET!!!!!!

Speak to you all later
Sorry, did you say something about a FIRE WALK???!!! :flame: :idunno: LOL.
I read somewhere that at the end of the festival there is a firewalk...I'm totally up for it as I have always wanted to do one...having An Shu watch really stops me from pulling out...

Well, I too plan to be at FAll festival 2005. Firewalk? Well, never thought about it except when I watched Ace Ventura "When nature calls." Oh what the heck! Bring it on!