Japanese Cultural Festival in DC


Yellow Belt
Hi ho everyone . . . wait that's Kermit.

FYI, if you live near enough to Washington to come visit, the 54th annual Sakura Matsuri Japanese cultural festival will be in DC this Saturday, April 12. Japanese food, generic Asian food, a parade, cultural demonstrations and MA demonstrations will all take place. Entry fee is $10 i think. My dojo will be putting on one of the MA demonstrations and I may even get to do demonstrate a technique or two (excited, nervous, why did I eat that butterfly). The festival coincides nicely with peak cherry blossom bloom on the Tidal Basin this year and the annual Cherry Blossom Festival.

See you there.
sounds very interesting, it can be nervous, as long as your confident and stay calm it should be good.(even if you mess up its still good to be calm) there's a chance it wasn't noticed
there's no chance im going but looking forward to hearing about it
best of luck
MMMmmm...butterflies.... (kidding)

That sounds like a wonderful time! Wish I was close enough to visit, I would enjoy that festival very much. Good luck if you get to demonstrate, I bet you'll do just fine :) :)
Oh SURE!!!! you couldn't of had this last year when I was THERE!!!!! :uhyeah:

Sounds good, wish I could get there but it is way to far away at the moment.

Good luck with the demo, you'll do fine
With the winter we've had I'm kind of surprised that: 1) they are blooming at all and 2) they look this good.
What sucks is when it's warm for like four days early, they bloom, then it cooks and gets windy for a couple weeks, and when mid April hits they are all gone.
When is the demo my dojo is doing . . . I have no idea except that it is some time mid-afternoon. I know when I haave to meet up, but not when we willl begin or even what stage we will be on. Their website isn't doing a good job on the whole publish information for visitors thing. :) But if I find out before the event I will post here.

I am demoing 6 teihodoki hand capture escapes. I know we are covering several katas, gyakus, etc. Not sure what my sensei will be doing or what his teacher will do. Should be fun to watch.
I have morre information on the festival.

Time: 10:30 AM – 6 PM tomorrow
Location: 12th Street & Pennsylvania Avenue, NW (map)
Cost: $10, children 12 and under free. $8 for a limited time when purchased online

I believe we will be performing some time between 2:00 and 4:00 but beyond that I still don't know. If you miss Kageshin Dojo there are a lot of Martial artists who will be demonstrating their styles so it should be a great time all round.

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