Senators Demand the Military Lock Up American Citizens ON US SOIL

My father knows Russell Means. I met him once through him. I knew he was dying and I know about his checkered past. I found his comparison of Indian Reservation life to our current politics interesting...and it's a side issue. It popped into my head when Jeff noted that people on the reservation might not notice as much difference as others.


If recent history is any guide, the government will expand the use of this new power to uses beyond which it was intended. I wonder if there are any posters on this board who think it won't be used beyond how it's been explained. Please share your thoughts.
And so Obama, the one who was to bring "hope and change" to a benighted land puts on his jackboots...

In his last official act of business in 2011, President Barack Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act from his vacation rental in Kailua, Hawaii. In a statement, the president said he did so with reservations about key provisions in the law — including a controversial component that would allow the military to indefinitely detain terror suspects, including American citizens arrested in the United States, without charge.

Were conservative talk show hosts the only ones who saw through Obama during the election, and will they still be the only ones to talk about it during this election?

And in a lame attempt to explain his fascist actions...

Senior administration officials, who asked not to be named, told ABC News, “The president strongly believes that to detain American citizens in military custody infinitely without trial, would be a break with our traditions and values as a nation, and wants to make sure that any type of authorization coming from congress, complies with our Constitution, our rules of war and any applicable laws.”

But of course, those beliefs didn't stop him from signing the bill...did it?
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Jacboots that were fashioned from the leather of the USA PATRIOT Act, under George W. Bush. We're all getting just what we deserve.

billi said:
Were conservative talk show hosts the only ones who saw through Obama during the election, and will they still be the only ones to talk about it during this election?

They didn't see through him-they saw what they wanted to see, and said what they were told to say, otherwise they'd have recognized that he his strings were controlled by the same corporate puppet-masters as his predecessor. We're all getting what we deserve.

billi said:
And in a lame attempt to explain his fascist actions...

Not that he gives a damn what the "conservatives" think-we're not voting for him anyway. He's going to be reelected without our votes. We're all getting what we deserve.

billi said:
But of course, those beliefs didn't stop him from signing the bill...did it?

Because his corporate puppetmasters are going to need the government to have that ability in the next decade or so. We're all getting what we deserve.
