Bush Impeachment - The Illinois State Legislature Is Preparing to Drop a Bombshell

No offense to anyone here, but Illinois, my (I'm sad to admit) home state, needs to get its collective heads out of its ***.

We paid millions in taxpayer dollars for them to sue the videogame industry so they could ban videogame sales here... only to lose, and now we stand to pay another 1/2 million or so to the videogame manufacturers in a counter suit to cover their legal fees... and we keep re-electing these clowns here... for no reason other than they tow the party line.

Governer Blaggo spent a Million dollars of taxpayer money "supposedly" for a vaccine that was never delivered to us, and went, "oh well, we tried..."

Mob Boss... er... the Chicago mayor and his gang of armed thugs spent thousands in taxpayer money to ignore a court order and FAA regulations and secretly and illegally destroy an airport overnight... and it was quickly swept quietly under the rug... like so many of the other scandals in the city... like the mafia truck for hire racket he had/has going.

This is a small small taste of the imcompetence and corruption in our state goverment that is continuously overlooked by the voters here... I could go on and on and on... I can't believe that they (the state government) have the gall to claim the FEDERAL government needs to be cleaned up... ****ing hypocrites.

ANY other state but Illinois... I'd say ok. But they clearly don't know right from wrong here, why would they in Washington?
It'll be interesting to see how the mid-term elections go.

If the Republicans lose the House and the Senate, there will likely be a wailing and gnashing of teeth. If there are investigations launched...and if they turn up anything...there might be a case for (or should we say "greater case for") impeachment.

Ah, but so much can happen in such a short time! We have Iran now with enriched uranium, gas prices could possibly cause a recession, and we can always have another natural disaster.

But our President is a strong leader. He can handle it. He'll set his jaw, rest his elbows on the podium, give us a steely-eyed look of determination and tell us what he's going to do...just like he's always done.

And we shall be content, and reassured. And we will smile and nod at one another, knowing our President is in charge.

And all will be well in Pleasantville.


Personally, I'm just hoping this will establish the new great American tradition of impeaching the president in the second term.
I live here in the fine state of Illinois. Haven't heard anything about this. Maybe it was the Governor of Illinois they were talking about. Like Technopuck said we need to clean up are act before we tell them Fed's what to do.
Marginal said:
Personally, I'm just hoping this will establish the new great American tradition of impeaching the president in the second term.
Yeah, I was starting to have a sense of deja' vu.

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