Seminar with Master Penfil in February...

Boy that stinks, Terry. However, I do know what its like to have problems with your school. Good luck!
Not to hijack the thread, but since Terry mentioned his schools possible relocation, I thought I'd keep my question in this thread.

Terry, what is your current status? May be coming down your way and thought I'd drop in, but I wanted to make sure where you are.
Not to hijack the thread, but since Terry mentioned his schools possible relocation, I thought I'd keep my question in this thread.

Terry, what is your current status? May be coming down your way and thought I'd drop in, but I wanted to make sure where you are.

I will be at my school, sorry everybody that things just did not workout for me. Next time for sure. Brad if you are in the area please look me up. If you PM me when I can meet you.
As I've already mentioned to Craig, I won't be able to make it either. Am in NY instead, visiting my mother who has just undergone palliative surgery for what is probably a terminal illness... discovered only after she was hospitalized for a broken hip.... :(
Wow, that stinks, best wishes Exile. I'm in Novi right now. Spent the evening training with Master Penfil and his students. It's good stuff. Very different from the typical TSD, but good nontheless. I look forward to seeming more at the seminar.
Exile, you'll definately be missed. Its too bad that you can't make...and the circumstances make it even worse.

I am excited to get there! It looks like I'll be leaving Dayton at 1:00 pm or so, so I will get to Novi between 3:30 and 4:00.
As I've already mentioned to Craig, I won't be able to make it either. Am in NY instead, visiting my mother who has just undergone palliative surgery for what is probably a terminal illness... discovered only after she was hospitalized for a broken hip.... :(

I hope that the doctors are able to help your mother in her time of need.

We will keep you and your family in our prayers.

Please call me when you are able to (313) 377-4720

All the best,

Master Jay S. Penfil

Thanks for the good thoughts, folks. I appreciate them. I am extremely disappointed at not being able to go, apart from the other circumstances. But I strongly hope that there will be another chance sometime.

Meanwhile, I am looking forward to much detailed reporting and discussion of what I believe will a great training experience when you get back....
Last night was the opening night for this weekends seminar!!!

There were 46 participants, and we had a great evening.

I enjoyed having upnorthkyosa with me a day early (Thursday), as we were able to spend several hours in private training, and we were able to spend some great quality time with Soke Peter Carbone at his home learning about Okinawan martial arts history and awesome wine and grappa.

I am looking forward to getting started this morning on the two sessions on Hyung application that I have planned.

If you have the ability to make it to the seminar today or tomorrow, I will look forward to having you there!!!

Yours in Tang Soo Do,

Master Jay S. Penfil

Master Penfil,

I would like to extend my extreme gratitude to you for your hospitality this weekend. This was truly an excellent experience. Truly "eye-opening" and I had a GREAT time. Everyone was incredible - Master Frizzell, Master Warne, Peeler Sensei, Carbone Sensei, and everyone who trained and shared any knowledge was incredible. I really can't say enough how much fun I had and how much I learned.

So thank you again for everything and I hope to see you again soon!

Master Penfil,

I would like to extend my extreme gratitude to you for your hospitality this weekend. This was truly an excellent experience. Truly "eye-opening" and I had a GREAT time. Everyone was incredible - Master Frizzell, Master Warne, Peeler Sensei, Carbone Sensei, and everyone who trained and shared any knowledge was incredible. I really can't say enough how much fun I had and how much I learned.

So thank you again for everything and I hope to see you again soon!


Craig hopefully we can get a better breakdown for those of us that was not there. I really did want to attend.
Definately....I'm working on it. I owe Terry a little more detail also, I just got home at about 9:45. I'm catching up on a few posts here and there and paying bills and such. I'll get up a more lengthy breakdown here soon.
A little better recap....If anyone has more thoughts or more to add, PLEASE feel free to jump in, there was a HUGE amount of information passed along and I am patiently waiting on the DVD to be sure I don't lose any of it.

I arrived on Friday afternoon and went directly to the school where UpNorth and I trained with Master Dave Frizzell, who is one of Master Penfil's senior student. Master Frizzell quickly proved himself to be an OUTSTANDING practitioner and fighter. He worked with us on the ground a lot, some basic grappling and counters. Then we moved into some basic form applications and discussed the difference between Korean and Japanese styles and how it affects the application.

Once everyone showed up, we started working with applications of basics. The biggest take away for me here was that all of our techniques have value. The basics that we do ARE NOT useless and without combat application. Everything is there, you just have to know how to find it. We started working with Low Block and High block. Basically, the transition movement where the hips turn and arms cross is the block. The low block that we normally think of is actually a strike. This also introduced the concept of the opposite hand. Master Frizzell and Master Penfil introduced the Idea that if your opposite hand is coming back....there's something in it. It can be a wrist lock, a grab, a pull, many things...but that opposite hand has something in it.

From there, we worked on some basic applications of the Hyung. Bassai, Kicho Hyung Il Bu, Pyang Ahn Ee Dan, etc. This spilled over into the next day a lot. I was particularly AMAZED that we pulled 4 or 5 applications out of just the opening movement of Pyang Ahn Ee Dan, all of which were VERY effective combat applications in my opinion. Throughout the day Saturday and Sunday, we hit more basics, a great deal of combat forms applications as well as some other style influences. We got into some basic Wing Chun applications, like the Pok Sau and Bong sau and how it applies to what we do now. Also an awesome session in the Korean style Iron Wheel Fist, which is a much more chinese influenced Korean style taught to us by a Buddhist disciple, Beopsa Jaeger who is learning it directly from the buddhist monks.

Some of the biggest take aways for me...

Just how much is really there. You can get so much out of what we already know if you know where to look. The stuff we know is all good, it is just more deep that we generally look. You have to be willing to find it.

The influence of other styles is a good thing. It helps to show just how similar we all really are and really helps to show new ways to use what you already know. THERE IS NO BAD STYLE. If you can find a way to make something work, then do it.

Economy of movement....the stuff is already there, the economy is built in to what we know. That transition isn't just a transition, it is a separate movement and has value as such. If a hand comes back, it is doing something. Dont' waste effort.....if you can get there by going straight, don't go around your body.

The concept of center. "He who controls the Center controls the fight." We did a lot of work with center. Not only controlling your own, but using it manipulate your opponent's and then using this to control the center of the fight.

There was SO much, I wish that I had the DVD to refer to now, to make this a lot more well rounded of a recap, but these are the basics of what we did in the seminar.

Now that doesn't mention the dinner at an INCREDIBLE greek restaurant, meeting Carbone Sensei, doing a wine tasting at his home, and some awesome new friendships and information sharing. I will add more as I work with the stuff and things come back to me.
Thanks Craig looking forward to more info. and I need to get a copy of that CD.
Also an awesome session in the Korean style Iron Wheel Fist, which is a much more chinese influenced Korean style taught to us by a Buddhist disciple, Beopsa Jaeger who is learning it directly from the buddhist monks.

I'm glad you enjoyed it, bro! It was just a brief introduction, but I hope you were able to take away something of use! Hopefully we can get together for training soon!

Now that doesn't mention the dinner at an INCREDIBLE greek restaurant, meeting Carbone Sensei, doing a wine tasting at his home, and some awesome new friendships and information sharing. I will add more as I work with the stuff and things come back to me.

That was an amazing evening, most memorable. We are so in debt to Master Penfil & Carbone-sensei. Crossing hands with him over dinner was an honor. Too bad the wine interfered!
I'm glad you enjoyed it, bro! It was just a brief introduction, but I hope you were able to take away something of use! Hopefully we can get together for training soon!

That was an amazing evening, most memorable. We are so in debt to Master Penfil & Carbone-sensei. Crossing hands with him over dinner was an honor. Too bad the wine interfered!

It was excellent. My wife and I are planning a trip to visit some friends in the Baltimore and DC area later this year. I would love to get together again to train, drink soju, and eat kimchi.

Agree, Carbone Sensei is incredible....John and I were talking about that on the way home - you realize that we spent the evening in the presence of a living legend?.....and we drank his wine.....Incredible. I'm planning to get up there at least once every other month.

BTW, if you haven't yet, there's a Meet and Greet area here that you can stop by to introduce yourself. I'd also LOVE to see a post or three about your style in the KMA main forum. I'd like to know more about it in terms of history, lineage, execution, etc.
I don't have too much time to type as I am in a hostel in Waikiki right now. The seminar was awesome. Lots of great information. I loved working with Master Frizell. It's not often that you get to work with a practicioner who has actually had to put the training to work in a life or death situation. Master Frizell is in the military and has used this training to survive in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I'll echo, Carbone Sensei is a living legend. I am deeply honored to have been invited into his house, his dojo, and to have the time to talk to him about kara-te origins and training. All of this opened my eyes to a simple, pragmatic, yet dubiously obfuscated truth...

Why train your least effective weapons the most?
Well, the weekend came and went much too quickly, but the time spent was an awesome experience for us all...

We had martial practitioners from Tang Soo Do, Tae Kwon Do, Shotokan, Isshinryu, Gojuryu, Shorinryu, Iron Wheel Fist and Wing Chun Gung Fu there participating.

Besides me, we had sessions thru out the weekend that were taught by my senior student, Master Dave Frizzell, Master Gary Warne, Sifu Bruce Silver, Sifu JB Jager and Sensei Bobby Peeler.

Each instructor presented awesome material, and were warmly recieved and enjoyed by all.

We trained for 3 hours on Friday evening, 6 hours on Saturday, and although we were supposed to train Sunday morning from 10am to noon, everyone was so pumped up, we didn't get off of the training floor till 5:30pm.

Saturday evening we were all treated to some special time with Soke Peter Carbone and his wife Mary at their home in Northville. It was GREAT!!!

We will be doing more seminars very soon. If you are interested, send me a message with your contact info and I will see to it that you are included.

Soke Carbone is planning 2 seminars at his dojo over the next couple of months. Each of these seminars will include a couple of grand masters that he is bringing in from Okinawa. You don't want to miss these seminars...

All the best,

Master Jay S. Penfil
I am sure that someone of you are familiar with Stace Sanchez-KICKPIC'

I am happy and proud to tell you that Stace and I have truly established a relationship this past year. Stace spent the past weekend at my school with us all for our February seminar to take pictures for us to document the weekend.

At the end of the weekend I was under the impression that Stace had taked in the area of about 1000 pictures. Think about it; 1000 pictures is ALOT of pictures for one photgrapher to shoot in one weekend isn't it???

Stace just emailed me. When he got home and went thru the pictures, the final count on how many picture he shot was 2038!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stace must have the strongest trigger finger in existance... 2038 pics in 15 hours!!! WOW!!!

We will go thru them and post as many as we can later in the week.


All the best,

Master Jay S. Penfil

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