Seminar with Master Penfil in February...

Hey Terry, are you going to do a M&G? What dates were you thinking of? I have to get my calendar cleared for that! :)

A regional one sometime in March. I will post after the holiday and be more exact about it.
I'm glad that so much representation from across KMA are showing up for this. Finding the roots of where our arts came from is a large step in trying to rebuild the credability that I beleive that our arts have lost over the years.

I just got back from a very interesting experience. I went to a regional soo bahk do tournament that was put on by my teacher's teacher who is still in the federation. It was a great tournament. Lots of competitors and lots of fun. Most of the competitors were children. Most of the adult competitors were chodan and above...and were older. The smallest divisions were filled with adult gups. Some had only four competitors.

My teacher's teacher had a meeting at the beginning of the tournament where he basically pointed out the style was losing kids who became adults and that it was unable to draw any young adults to it and he challenged all of the teachers there to do something to change this.

Well, this, IMO, is something that can change it. And I don't think that this just applies to SBD or TSD.
Been absent from the Board for a little while....

Am really looking forward to that weekend and meeting and training with other MTers from all over.

Been absent from the Board for a little while....

Am really looking forward to that weekend and meeting and training with other MTers from all over.


Miles it will be apleasure to meet you. Looking forward to it.
Master Penfil,

Just curious if you have an update as to local hotels? Thank you very much!
Greetings to all,
Sorry for the delay in getting this info to you. In the months of November and December I run gas lines to fireplaces for a local store to convert them from natural wood burning to gas-logs. This year has been busier than past years (this has been a good thing-$$$$$).

I have made arrangements with the "Crowne Plaza Hotel". The CPH is located about 1 mile from my school and has a shuttle that can transport all of you to and from.

The room rate will be $89.00/per night.

Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts
27000 Sheraton Drive
Novi, MI 48377

Sales Mgr.- Gary Ward

Are you guys familiar with the website: KICKPICKS.COM?

Stace Sanchez in the site owner and travels all over the world taking pictures of martial artists everywhere. He currently gets more than 10,000 hits a month on his site.

Stace came to my grand opening in April, 2007 and took 138 pictures of the grand opening ceremony for me. They came out GREAT. Stace is going to do a photo shoot here at my school during the seminar weekend and will be present to shoot random shots during all of the sessions!!!

JB Jaeger teaches "Iron Wheel Fist", a Korean system in Baltimore. We had a chance to train together earlier in 2007. He is a solid practitioner with much to share. He asked me if he could teach a session during the seminar weekend. You guys will enjoy his art.

Another martial arts professional that will be joining us for the weekend is Kevin Kearns.

Kevin Kearns is the strength and conditioning coach for UFC fighter Kenny Florian and consults with many other professional mixed martial arts fighters. Go to this web address to see a photo of Kevin and UFC Fighter, Kenny Florian:

He holds staff positions at a number of MMA studios, including the world renowned Sityodtong studio in Somerville, MA.

His DVD the "Burn with Kearns' 30 Minute Core Strength Workout" is distributed internationally. You can purchase the DVD at NHB Gear.

Besides being a personal fitness coach, Kevin has been active in the martial arts for 27 years. He has studied Kempo Karate, Shotokan Karate, Pekiti-tirsia Kali, Western Boxing, Muay Thai and BJJ. To make an appointment with Kevin, contact him at 800-516-3227 or email him at

This weekend seminar will prove to be an awesome event on ALL levels!!!

Please contact me at your earliest convenience to reserve your spot. As stated earlier, I am going to focus on Black/Blue Belt and Master/Kodanja level material, but everyone regardless of rank will be welcome.

Because we are going to work all of the material with "Partner Training", everyone will be able to follow and benefit from this seminar.

I will look forward to hearing from all of you soon,

Master Jay S. Penfil

Yes, the dates are February 15, 16 & 17, 2008.

Terry, thank you for your support. I am looking forward to meeting and trainikng with you and your family in person!!!

Now for everyone else!!!

Yours in Tang Soo Do,

Master Jay S. Penfil

I will be there for at least some of the training. I have a friend who is getting married on Saturday afternoon. Am looking forward to training with Master Penfil again and meeting some of my MT colleagues.

I will be there for at least some of the training. I have a friend who is getting married on Saturday afternoon. Am looking forward to training with Master Penfil again and meeting some of my MT colleagues.


So miles you will be there Friday Saturday or Saturday Sunday?
Looking forward to the seminar as well.
I've got some bad news. Because of some family issues, I'm not going to be able to attend in February. I wish that I could, but it just won't be possible...:(
I've got some bad news. Because of some family issues, I'm not going to be able to attend in February. I wish that I could, but it just won't be possible...:(

Sorry to hear that Upnorth but you must do what is best for the family.
Sorry to hear that Upnorth but you must do what is best for the family.

Ditto. I'm very sorry to hear about that, UpN... was looking forward to meeting you.

Meanwhile, I've gotta make my reservation....
Ditto. I'm very sorry to hear about that, UpN... was looking forward to meeting you.

Meanwhile, I've gotta make my reservation....

Yes you do already have mine, the wife and kids

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