Master Jay S. Penfil Seminar - this summer or fall?


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Hello Everyone;

As many of you know, I've been talking about organizing a seminar for a while. Master Jay S. Penfil from Detroit has agreed to come to our city to teach us some of the deeper "secrets" in Tang Soo Do. As I flesh out the details of this seminar, I think it is very important that you have a chance to communicate with Master Penfil regarding some of the things that he would like to teach us. Please post your questions and comments in this thread. Master Penfil, if you would give us a brief overview of who you are and of what you would be bringing to our dojang, that would be excellent. Lets get this discussion going so we all know what to expect when this goes down.

Tang Soo!!!

Mr. Kedrowski
I am looking forward to meeting you master penfil, may it be this summer or fall I will be attending. :asian: I need to get to work for now, But I will be sure to post some questions and maybe some things that I would like to know more about.

Thank you for starting this thread. I am on my way out the door to take my 11 year old son camping & fishing for the weekend, so I can’t get in to deep detail at right now, but I will log on when I return and explain in detail what we will cover.

To all of your students, and instructors that will be in attendance, please take a few minutes to formulate question that you have concerning Hyung.

Our seminar will be titled: Bunkai, Henka and Oyo

Bunkai is the application of technique, Henka is variation in Bunkai, and Oyo is the reverse side of the Bunkai, as in; what is the opponent doing to cause you to execute this action in the first place.

To understand Hyung completely, you must have a complete understanding of these concepts. When you understand these concepts, you can then make the connection between Hyung and free-sparring, as well as between Hyung and street tactical defense.

Too many practitioners in today’s martial arts world learn Hyung as a means of moving from rank to rank, and for competition, and their sparring is like kick-boxing. If you understand Hyung and application, your sparring will look like your Hyung.

More to follow…

Have a great holiday weekend!!!

Yours in Tang Soo Do,

Master Jay S. Penfil

Possible dates for the Seminar...

Nov 3-5 2006
Nov 10-12 2006
Nov 17-19 2006

I want to put this event out far enough in advance so people can get it into their schedule and we can promote this thing.
If I'm allowed to come(Am I?), Nov 3-5 won't work for me. The 3rd is my birthday. Can you see if I'm allowed, Mr K.?


IMP said:
If I'm allowed to come(Am I?), Nov 3-5 won't work for me. The 3rd is my birthday. Can you see if I'm allowed, Mr K.?



Yes, you will be allowed to come. November 3rd is a friday. The bulk of the seminar will take place on Saturday and Sunday. Parts of it will be specifically designated for your rank.
Greetings to everyone,

This is the general itinerary that I have been following for the past couple of years for weekend seminars.

Friday Evening-7:00 to 10:00pm
A) Basic actions and applications
B) Stance choice, and why

Saturday Morning-9:00am to Noon
Kicho Hyung Il Bu & Som Bu
Pyung Ahn Cho Dan

Lunch- Noon to 1:30pm

Saturday Afternoon- 1:30 to 5:30
Pyung Ahn Ee Dan, Som Dan Sa Dan & Oh Dan

Sunday should be reserved for instructors only. I will leave it to John to determine the time-line for Sunday.

I cover a great deal of material in each session. Depending on where the participants are in their understanding, and their ability to absorb the material I will move slower or faster.

I have not presented this material to any school/organization yet that has had prior exposure to it, so be prepared for new concepts and principles. The techniques are the same as in all Tang Soo Do. The difference is in mind-set and application.

I always encourage participants to bring note books. You can stop at any time to take notes. Video taping by the school owner is recommended to make it easier to maintain and utilize all that will be covered.

My seminars are always open to everyone, regardless of system of organization affiliation. The principles and concepts that I will cover will work for any “Karate Based” system.

I am looking forward to meeting and training will all of you.

Yours in Tang Soo Do,

Master Jay S. Penfil

The dates that we are looking for to put on this seminar will be Nov 17, 18, and 19.

On the evening of Friday Nov 17th, we'll be having a black belts only seminar to go over some advanced material.

On Saturday Nov 18th, we'll be having a seminar at our Duluth YWCA dojang. This will last all day.

On Sunday Nov 19th, we'll be having another seminar down in St. Cloud. This one, too, will last all day.

Now that we have the dates set for this thing, lets use this thread to discuss the material that we will be seeing. If you have any questions for Master Penfil, please feel free to post them...

Mr.K, you've never mentioned Master Penfil in class before. Who exactly is he?

IMP said:
Mr.K, you've never mentioned Master Penfil in class before. Who exactly is he?


I've talked more candidly with the adults and with your parents about this seminar...but I will correct this shortly.

Master Penfil is a very experienced martial artist. He is a 7th dan in TSD and he holds rank in many other martial arts as well. Perhaps, he will post a little more about himself for us.
For those of you all that has not had the pleasure of meeting Sbn Penfil you are in for a treat. He knows his Bunkai and Hanka and Oyo. I can't say enough about him he is truly a one of a kind master in TSD I hold him in high reguard with KJN C.I. Kim and KJN |Ferraro along with some other masters I have met throughout my M.A. Training....
This date will work for Amy and I. We'll put it on our calendar. Thanks for arranging this! We are very much looking forward to it.

Greetings to all,
I want to thank John for arranging this seminar weekend for us all to get together and train…

Here is a brief understanding of who I am and what I teach:

I began training in 1972, at the age of 13, in an Okinawan system called Isshinryu Karate under the instruction of Sensei Bill Pouge in Royal Oak, Michigan. Isshinryu karate is a unique system, as it’s Founder and Soke, Tatsuo Shimabuku, chose to use only black belt level kata in his system, unlike Tang Soo Do and other like-systems that incorporate basic level kata and build up to more advanced techniques. In the Isshinryu Karate system, you are taught Bunkai right from the beginning, with every technique and in every kata.

In 1974 I began training in Shotokan under Sensei James V. Morrone, and was given an even deeper understanding of Bunkai. Sensei Morrone proved over the years you be among the greatest teachers in the martial arts. His level of understanding back in the 1970’s, as a Nidan (2nd Dan) was greater then any 7th or 8th Dan’s that I have met in present years. Unfortunately, Sensei Morrone passed away last March. We reconnected in 1996 and shared a great friendship and continued to cross-train with one another, sharing principles and concept of our kata. He was a great man…

I began training in Tang Soo Do in 1975 as a result of becoming friends with Bruce Silver (my training partner for the last 31 years). Bruce was training in Tang Soo Do under Master Harvey Schwartz at the Jewish Community Center in Detroit, Michigan. We all became close friends and established a serious training schedule. Master Schwartz had come up the ranks under the KI (Karate Institute), headed by Maser David J. Praim and Master David Prue. These gentlemen were responsible for establishing the largest Tang Soo Do School in Michigan, and produced the #1 full contact team in the USA.

The one thing missing in our Tang Soo Do training was “Bunkai”. Since I was raised on Bunkai in both Isshinryu and Shotokan, I was amazed to find that the Tang Soo Do that I was learning was devoid of any understanding of Bunkai. I began teaching Bunkai to my instructors.

As I continued to move up the ranks in Tang Soo Do I continued to cross-train in other systems, and maintained contact with my other instructors.

I became a member of the U.S. Tang Soo Do Federation, and a student to Grandmaster C.I. Kim in 1983. Under Grandmaster Kim my technique became stronger, as he proved to be the very best of the best in Tang Soo Do, period. With a reputation for being the best practitioner that the Moo Duk Kwan ever turned out, I learned first hand how he earned that reputation. I am still, and will always be his loyal student…

In 1998 I was introduced to Kaiden-Shihan Garner Train, from Clio, Michigan. Kaiden-Shihan Train is a senior ranking master in three different systems of martial arts:
1) Hakko-Ryu Ju Jutsu.................. Kaiden-Shihan (Highest rank attainable. Only 10 in the world)
2) Motobu-Ha S h i t o Ryu........... 5th Degree Black Belt
3) Wing Chun Gung Fu.................. Senior Sifu (Under Ip Ching/Ip Man’s second son)

I have studied all of these systems under Kaiden-Shihan Train. I have attained Shodan in Hakko-Ryu Ju Jutsu, but no official ranking in Motobu-Ha S h i t o Ryu or Wing Chun.

Training with Kaiden-Shihan Train has been a truly awesome experience, as his training has been directly from the source in each system. When looking at the Hyung/Kata that we perform in Tang Soo Do, it is crucial to understand there origin and the thought process that was present in their inception. Since he trained directly under Shogo Kuniba, who’s father was Kokuba, who was the senior student to Choki Motobu, the lineage was so tight, that we received the techniques in the same fashion that they had been passed down from Itosu to Motobu. It doesn’t get better then this…

In training with the different systems that are comprised of the same Hyung/Kata, it is important to understand the vision each Grandmaster brought to the table as he devised HIS system. What I teach is a culmination of these systems and the principles that have been passed down as a result.

One weekend of seminars is enough time to get started in understanding what I have to teach. If you like what you receive at this seminar we will set up future seminars to take it further. The Friday evening session will be focused on the basics, as I teach them. Some people may think that going over “Basics” will be a waste of their time, but I assure you that if we don’t take that time to establish an understanding of how I execute the basics, the rest will be useless…

I am looking forward to this, and many other seminar weekends to follow!!!

Yours in Tang Soo Do,

Master Jay S. Penfil


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