Self Defense in and around your vehicle?

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
So I was wondering and thought I would start a thread about dealing with self defense issues involving using or being around your car. Who here practices regularly in a car or outside a car using it as an obstacle or an object to push/throw someone into. Also does anyone ever practice defensive driving principles and general counter surveillance techniques. (ie. picking up when another car is following you)

One thing I like to practice is that ever dangerous getting into the car in a parking lot. The walking up to your car, opening the door and getting in and starting the car are steps that you should be going through with awareness to what is around you. You also need to check what is in your car before entering into it. It may sound like not very much but having awareness of what is around you is exremely important.

Another good drill is to practice self defense while in the car. What do you do if someone is in your back seat and grabs you from behind?

What if someone closes quickly on you as you open the door and pushes you into the car?

What if someone closes quickly on you as you open the door and tries to pull you out?

If you are driving home and you feel somebody is following you what do you do?

Maybe with the above questions we can start some conversation regarding self defense involving a vehicle.
when u practise u have to image all kind of fields, a car , lift, bar, a parking lot, etc, u have to learn to use all the things which the life and man put beside u , when u learn a defense, u have to think and practice in diferent field , thus u can be a winner
All car defense trainig should be broken down into these area's,
A) You are outside and,
* The bad guy is outside,
* The bad guy is inside.
B) You are inside and,
* the bad guy is outside,
* The bad guy is inside,
A) You are driving and,
* The bad guy is seated beside you,
* The bad guy is seated behind you
B) The Bad guy is driving

Other area's to be considered,
1) Armed, unarmed,
2) Multi or single attackers
3) You are alone or with others.

Referring to area #1,
Many people consider their car as a safe haven. This point of view can cause a few problems.
* A person will fast walk to their car so that they can get into their armored vehicle, this is good for the bad guy because their target is using tunnel vison.
If, after arriving at the car, a person finds that the door has been glued closed they will panic, this is a good thing for the bad guy.
*They will rush getting into the car never looking to see if someone is already inside or if someone is rushing up behind them.
People should understand that their car can be either a shelter for you or the bad guy and it can be a cage for you or the bad guy.
Referring to area #2
*Inside of a moving car is very good as long as the bad guy is outside. If he has a firearm and you are not moving fast you are now in a cage untill you can get distance and speed away from him.
*If the bad guy is inside of the car with you then, because of the vehicle's speed you are both caged. Once the speed factor is removed your chances for escape will increase.

There is so much more information on this topic a book can be written on it.
Let me add that once you are in the car you need to be aware of not only who is around you while you are driving but is anyone following you. Simple counter surveillance tactics can be used to determine this and if you are being followed you probably want to go to the nearest police station but most importantly you would not want to lead them home.
I have used my jeep in training. It was all on the outside, but we could have used a wall just as well. As for practicing from the inside, I have not done that. I personally take note of vehicles behind me and will take action if it appears I am being followed. So far it hasn't happened. Mostly has been neighbors on the same street that just so happened to be coming from the same city and same route as I did. ;)
I crank the awareness level way up when I'm in parking lots...a lot of stuff happens in/around the vehicle.

When I get to my car, I always scan the immediate area, I also check the back seat before I enter the car. Furthermore, I try to avoid just sitting there (talking on the phone, messing with the check-book, etc.) because this makes you a stationary target. Also, if you become "task-fixated" on some mundane chore, you're making it easier for someone to sneak up on you...the stuff will wait 'till you're not sitting in a parking lot.

When it comes to defense while in the car, I keep a small fixed-blade knife and a spare pistol in places where they're out of sight, but still able to be accessed very quickly.

As far as when I'm actually driving, I'm always very aware of the possibility of being followed. I usually tend to notice if someone follows me for any lenth of time. If they turn in the same place as I do more than once or twice, I start to consider the possibility that they may be following me (granted, this depends on time of day, traffic volume, which streets I'm on, etc.). A few times when I thought there might be a problem, I took an extra turn, or doubled back. If they had continued to stay with me at this point, I would have called the police, or driven to a police station. I wouldn't recommend driving home because if someone is following you, you just showed them where you live.

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