Self-Defence spray

As for the silly notion that making something illegal makes it unavailable and eliminates crime, how's that working for cocaine, methamphetamines, heroin, etc, etc, etc,. ;)

and the possession of illegal firearms by felons...
That's the $64.000.000 question..Will they be able to use it when the time come???

While you're fumbling around for it and spray painting your attacker you could be doing something useful. Wasted seconds are lost lives in a violent self defense situation.

I must admit that was what I was thinking.
You probably have to bear in mind that in the inner cities it's often the women doing the attacking. Not joking.
FieldDiscipline you say even MPs and Ministers getting mugged like it's a bad thing lol!
Weapons for women to carry...keys, kubotan, combs (metal) CDs, credit cards, hairspray adn I'm sure you can all think of more. yes all legal. In England and Wales (Scotland too as far as I'm aware) defending yourself is perfectly legal and no you won't be arrested for it, that's a bit of an urban myth. In fact you are allowed to strike first which I believe you may not be allowed to in the States (?), if you are in fear of your life you may use a pre emptive strike. All that is demanded of you is that you use reasonable force.
That doesn't mean once the attackers on the floor you can then pummel him to death however much you are tempted.

I think there is a great deal of misunderstanding about the law in UK about SD, there's a good deal of misinformation going about.There's nothing stopping people from defending themselves here and even using a weapon to do so but you have to understand that every case will be investigated as otherwise someone could claim self defence when in fact they were the attacker. It has to be fair, however remember that when it's being investigated it is gaining evidence to enable the CPS to take the attacker to court.
Tez those are very useful links. Will come in very handy for SD courses! Thank you.

I've certainly always tried to be very clear when teaching about force and SD. Most people seem to think reasonable force means minimum and involves being careful with the attacker. My interpretation is that I will employ maximum force. How can you know if you're gonna win? Apply absolute maximum aggression and get it done. As soon as they are down, and not getting up again you stop.

You then run away with the speed of a thousand gazelles.

To indirectly quote someone I once read (I think it was Geoff Thompson):

Get them down by all means (or words to that effect) but you cant then stay and perform a 56 move Kata on his head!
The law used to read minimum force but was changed to reasonable force.
Geoff Thompson is absolutely correct! When you've got the attacker down, my instructor says put him in recovery position then call the police!