Seibukan Jujutsu?


White Belt
Jun 12, 2009
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Has anyone heard of Seibukan Jujutsu, or its founder, Julio Toribio? I am considering joining a Seibukan Dojo in my area, however I can't seem to find much literature on this art, or its creator.

I am interested in martial arts for two reasons: The first, is to become proficient in hand to hand self defense techniques. The second reason is so that I could put "x" martial art down as a sport for a college application, particularly the Service Academies. Would Seibukan hold weight on a college portfolio? For these two purposes, would Krav Maga be a better match? I also have access to a Krav Center in my area.

My local Seibukan Dojo:

The "Parent Dojo":

Nearby Krav Center:
i have never heard of seibukan, & being a fairly new art i would guess most people wouldn't have either. that doesn't mean it isn't good; i study a style of jujitsu founded in the '80s & i'm very happy with it. but nobody's heard of it.

i would guess that any art directly related to modern military applications would be your best bet. this would include krav maga, military sambo, combatives, etc.

Has anyone heard of Seibukan Jujutsu, or its founder, Julio Toribio? I am considering joining a Seibukan Dojo in my area, however I can't seem to find much literature on this art, or its creator.

I am interested in martial arts for two reasons: The first, is to become proficient in hand to hand self defense techniques. The second reason is so that I could put "x" martial art down as a sport for a college application, particularly the Service Academies. Would Seibukan hold weight on a college portfolio? For these two purposes, would Krav Maga be a better match? I also have access to a Krav Center in my area.

My local Seibukan Dojo:

The "Parent Dojo":

Nearby Krav Center:

Mr. Toribio is a real deal if you want to learn traditional Jujutsu. He earned his teaching licenses in Japan directly from the 2nd Grandmaster of the Hakko-ryu style. I can tell you this because one of my teachers was also a Hakko-ryu instructor & knows Mr. Toribio.
Mr. Toribio earned his teaching license in Hakko-ryu jujutsu at the Hombu dojo in Japan. I believe that his bujutsu is a mixture of Hakko-ryu Jujutsu and Ninpo-Taijutsu.

Jose Garrido
Mr. Toribio earned his teaching license in Hakko-ryu jujutsu at the Hombu dojo in Japan. I believe that his bujutsu is a mixture of Hakko-ryu Jujutsu and Ninpo-Taijutsu.

Jose Garrido
He was also uchi-deshi to Saito Sensei in Iwama at the Aiki shrine for a while. Take a look at some of his early demonstrations of Aikido on utube. His Aikido is a pleasure to behold.
The question has been asked of Seibukan Jujitsu, how can it be truly effective, if it's not pressure tested in some way?????

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