Haganah or Krav Maga? Does it even matter?

As an example, I can say that Judo isn't Aikido because Aikido works on circular principles, and changing the circle's direction. Judo uses leverage. Or that one of the things that distinguishes Silat from many other arts is the emphasis on using positioning relative to the opponent more than using a lot of defined responses. I'm not asking you to provide a primer on Krav Maga -- but a few key things to look for to evaluate someone, beyond the IKMA "seal of approval" on it.

I'm still not fully understanding the question as it's comparing apples to oranges within the martial-arts world, but I will try to answer it to the best of my ability regardless. The "IKMA's seal of approval" has very little to do with making "legitimate Krav Maga" as there are many "legitimate" Krav Maga organizations besides the IKMA run by Haim Gidon (8th Dan Black Belt under Imi), there is the IKMF run by Eyal Yanilov (6th Dan Black Belt under Imi), as well as the KMF run by Haim Zut (7th Dan Black Belt under Imi). IKMF teaches Krav Maga, KMF teaches Krav Maga, IKMA teaches Krav Maga, KMWW teaches Krav Maga, FIGHT teaches "Haganah". Krav Maga works by using "small, simple" movements with little-to-no wasted motion and never uses "strength vs strength", virtually all of what we do is ment for the street and has little place in an MMA ring, Haganah, unfortunately does not follow these principles. If you'd wish to learn more about Haganah and/or Mike Kanarek you can look at the websites I listed previously.
Cutting to the chase a bit here- is there an easy way to determine that a school is officially affiliated with, or certified by, IKMA/IKMF/KMF/KMWW?
Cutting to the chase a bit here- is there an easy way to determine that a school is officially affiliated with, or certified by, IKMA/IKMF/KMF/KMWW?

Contact the parent organization and ask. They'll usually get back to you fairly quickly. Alternatively, you can ask around on martial-arts forums, like you did in a previous thread. :)
It's unfortunate that within the martial-arts world, and seemingly the Krav Maga world especially, there are many people who claim that they teach things which they do not. However, luckily, you can usually figure out the truth by a quick post on a forum, an email, and/or a google-search.
Haganah is fake and Mike Kanerek is being investigated. http://www.mikekanarek.com/ http://www.fakeselfdefenseinstructors.com/
He will be sued along with Avi Nardia and Moni Aizik for fraud.
End of discussion.

However, to answer the above question, the IKMA is the only Krav Maga organization with a "robust" ground-system.

PS: With this post I do not mean to "offend" any one. Haganah, CKM and KAPAP are not Krav Maga, and do not follow our principals. Learning and using their techniques on the street will most likely get you seriously injured, if not killed, especially when up against an armed attacker. I do not care if you are with KMWW, IKMF, KMF or IKMA, it's still Krav Maga at least.

Allow me to clarify on what I ment when I said "fake", as I'm sure I've offended someone:
Mike Kanerek, the inventor/founder of Haganah, claims that Haganah is, infact, Krav Maga, and that he trains special-operations units in it, etc. These claims are all false as Haganah is not Krav Maga, and has nothing to do with Krav Maga, nor (to my knowledge) does Mike Kanerek train anyone in the IDF in any official capacity. When something is claimed as being something it isn't, I have a tendency to call it "fake". Though, I suppose a less "offensive" and equally effective way to put it is: "Haganah, is not Krav Maga."
I should note that my previous replies were in assumption that the history/details of Haganah were known to jks, such as the biggest one of "Haganah is based off of Krav Maga", which is a false claim.
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Mike Kanerek actually perpetrated fraud on Nir Maman. Nir was in the IDF Counter Terror Unit and while Mike Kanerek was in the special forces in the IDF he had nothing to do with the counter terror unit.

When Mike Kanerek began saying he was in the Counter Terror Unit when he wasn't that's when Nir cut his association with him. The article describing their relationship is an interesting read and shows you what a d bag this guy really is. I wouldn't have anything to do with Mike Kanerek or Haganah. This system is not a military application.

There is no civilian Krav Maga. What you're learning in Krav Maga is the real deal. Its a military application designed to be in defense of your life. Do extensive research on these fake systems before you make a decision on it. I'd rather not have my reputation ruined because somebody wanted to become famous.

I do extensive research on everthing, and I would suggest you do too so you don't end up in a fake system and end up being swindled.

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